Article critique writing
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25
Companion survey - Essay Example As indicated by the article, consolidating a decent scorecard permits any association to dissect how they are getting along both non-monetarily and monetarily through diving deep into where they are and choose the course that they will follow so as to accomplish their objectives and destinations. As per Blocher et al. (2012), they additionally accept that so as to succeed, you need to adjust your business exercises to the technique and vision of the association, improve outer and inward interchanges, just as screen association execution against arranged objectives. In the last passage, the essayist clarifies to the peruser how the association conquered their falling deals through changing their technique and choosing what their customer might want to understanding, how they can assess their money related execution and better deal with their inward undertakings, which were all huge parts of surveying the presentation of an association (Michelli, 2007). A portion of what the essayist could have added to the paper to make it increasingly uncommon is conversations on why the deals of Starbucks diminished in 2007 and how they got back up. A few pundits likewise prompt that journalists should remember that their articles may contact numerous individuals from various religions, in this manner is it additionally prudent to compose from an impartial perspective as opposed to harping on one religion with the goal for others to feel perceived
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critical Review of Meet John Doe Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Disparaging of Meet John Doe - Movie Review Example After this phony letter was distributed in the paper where Mitchell worked, colossal response with respect to general individuals followed. This open response was noted by the newspaper’s rich and incredible distributer D.B. Norton (played by Edward Arnold). Next, an evil joint effort begins between Ann, Norton, and different staffs of the paper to abuse the sensation made by John Doe’s counterfeit self destruction letter. One John Willoughby (Gary Cooper) is tricked into this intrigue and he is solicited to assume the job from John Doe. From the start, Willoughby carries out this responsibility energetically. Be that as it may, slowly the real intrigue is uncovered before him. Willoughby has a motion of brain and he begins sticking to the character and crucial anecdotal John Doe. In doing as such, he shakes the very basics of the news media house he was working for and tosses a genuine test before Norton. At last, Willoughby turns into a genuine John Doe, who effective ly persuades individuals about general great of society and exposes charlatans like Norton and his partners. Ann additionally changes side and joins Willoughby in this incredible crucial John Doe. All during watching this film, I felt that there are a few political linkages in this film. In any case, two most significant linkages are being referenced in this paper. The first is made with the assistance of impressions, scenes, and images in regards to law based qualities and network cognizance. The subsequent linkage shows that how one’s individual life and sentiments may be utilized by another person to get political advantage. 2. In the film Meet John Doe, Capra seems, by all accounts, to be reliably squeezing ahead with his vision having sufficient respect toward the soul of vote based system. After the center piece of the film, logical inconsistencies between goals of vote based system and control of the framework become the principle foci of the film. The location of the incomparable John Doe Convention talks about it. The show is held before a huge crowd and a large number of individuals are approached to take an interest in it. Willoughby, in the in the interim, finds that Norton needs to abuse the sensation made by the narrative of John Doe. Norton needed Willoughby to embrace Norton as a presidential contender for the government races in the attire of John Doe Convention rising as an ideological group. This being the background, Willoughby now attempts to breakaway from Norton’s control. Now, Capra makes a superb scene at the John Doe Convention. In this scene, with the assistance of a mix of far off and close shots, Capra shows how urgently Willoughby is proceeding into the group and attempting to come clean about John Doe and Norton. With the assistance of enhancements utilizing montage of groups more than once, Capra makes the impression of Willoughby, a urgent man, attempting to speak with a huge number of individuals independently, p ersonally, and at the same time. This scene indicating the apparently incomprehensible errand of Willoughby really displays that how confounding institutional majority rules system may turn into. Passionate and energetic open may neglect to recognize the genuine malevolence behind aggressive legislators. Political purposeful publicity can turn out to be incredible enough to eclipse the real objectives of the vote based establishment. Thus, open may feel free to welcome a â€Å"iron hand†(Capra 1941) to run them as had occurred in the nations like Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The second most interesting scene in this film is seen
Friday, August 21, 2020
Humanities Week 4 discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Humanities Week 4 conversation - Essay Example Expressionism is chiefly described utilization of practical shading and use of point of view methods in recovery of a deception of the real world (Chilvers, 2009). In addition, the hues are ordinarily chosen so as to suit the feeling felt or in production of the passionate impact. Expressionism painting reacts to the present difficulties by means of inspiration in contending people to desert their basic customary methods for survey things and grasp new impression of the ever-dynamic universe. The fundamental messages are for the most part voiced by the predominant gatherings that are regularly confounded society, expanding the hole in the midst of conventional culture and the comparing avant-grade craftsmanship. Impressionism was radical workmanship development that exudes from the comparing moving outside from the fundamental studio and painting (Chilvers, 2009). The craftsman separated the overall light into various hues and paint with the end goal that watchers eye could be blended and mix from far. On the other hand, Expressionism essentially portrayed feelings by means of sentiments of the universe and fundamental craftsman. In addition, Expressionism craftsmanship in the twentieth century primarily observed the predominant deepest scene of the spirit while those of the nineteenth century rematerialize painting with shading and magnificence delineating common scene on a very basic level in assorted
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Effects of the Ageing Population on the British...
Introduction Since the year 1800, the global population has grown from one billion to the estimated current population of 6.5 billion. By the year 2070 the world’s population is expected to continue to grow to 10 billion people. The major increase in population has occurred in the past 50 years, and based upon the United Nations (2007) estimates and projections up to the year 2050, it is believed that the population burst experienced worldwide over the past half century will have slowed down in the northern and contemporary countries, whereas the population will continue to increase in less developed countries and southern nations. While the large population is taxing enough on the already fragile economic markets of the United Kingdom,†¦show more content†¦Having less children born will impact the amount of people in the working population for future generations and will impact many aspects of the current welfare state. 2.2- Low Mortality Rates Due to the increase in medical technology and breakthroughs, human longevity is now at unprecedented high levels throughout Europe. Current statistics place the average life expectancy at 74 in the United Kingdom (Bongaarts, 2011, p. 4). This rate is expected to increase to as much as 82 within the next forty years. It is unlikely that technology and medical improvements will slow down during this period, and as the elderly live longer, this will place a certain amount of stress on the welfare state and available resources. 2.3- The Baby Boomers After the end of World War II there was a sharp increase in birthrates which was dubbed the â€Å"Baby Boom†. The years 1946-1964 marked a substantial increase in populations around the world. The years 1982-1995 also saw an increase in population as the original baby boomers began to procreate. Though, it is important to notes that this smaller baby boom was markedly less than that of its predecessor. The post-war baby boomers are important in this report because it is this generation that has begun to retire and require more services and pensions from the government. It will be up to the significantly younger generation toShow MoreRelatedAgeism Is Seen As A Significant Element2001 Words  | 9 Pagesdriver for unfair practices in allocation of opportunities and resources in a youth orientated culture (Carney and Grey, 2015). Carney and Grey (2015) argue the societal pervasiveness of ageism functions to structure our understanding and experience of ag eing. Butler (1975) describes ageism as â€Å"a process of systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people because they are old, just as racism and sexism accomplish this with skin colour and gender. Old people are categorized as senile, rigidRead MoreThe Problem Of Ageing Population2115 Words  | 9 Pages There are several effects and problems caused by the fact that the population of the UK appears to be growing older. Throughout this essay i will attempt to identify these numerous problems, which include the history and demography of the country, overview of the problem, causes and effects and eventually the solution. Then I will attempt to round the essay off with an effective conclusion which will identify the key body of my text and give a general consensus of what I have stated. Before talkingRead MoreChristopher Caldwell s Reflections On The Revolution Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pagesmultiply even as the jobs disappeared: the number of foreign residents in Germany increased from 3m in 1971 to 7.5m in 2000 And by 2050, the foreign-origin populations in most European countries will be between 20 and 32%. even though the number of foreigners in the workforce did not budge. Today immigrants account for about 10% of the population of most west European countries, and up to 30% in some of Europe s great cities. These same policymakers made the assumption that immigrants would quicklyRead More the future of capitalism Essay2230 Words  | 9 Pagesin his 1996 book - quot;The Future of Capitalismquot;. Thurow is a professor of economics at M.I.T. School of Management and has been a contributing editor to the Newsweek journal. quot;The Future of Capitalismquot; is an analytical look at the state of world economics in the late Twentieth Century. Thurow predicts the future of capitalism based upon recent trends in empirical data combined with his own political/economic analysis. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Central to this book is a powerfulRead MoreStatus of Elderly People in Nepal7837 Words  | 32 PagesReview of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) 9-11 October 2007 Macao, China Elderly People in Nepal What happened after MIPPA, 2002? * Nepal Participatory Action Network * This paper was prepared by Mr. Bhola Prasad Dahal, Immediate Past Chairperson/Executive Committee Member, Nepal Participatory Action Network, Nepal, for the High-level Meeting on the Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), 9-11 October 2007, Macao, China. The viewsRead MoreSocio-Cultural Development17197 Words  | 69 PagesThe social and cultural environment Paul Wetherly Contents Introduction: what is the social and cultural environment? What has it got to do with business? Society, culture and business Demographic trendsâ€â€an ageing population Immigration and multiculturalism Class structure Inequality A woman’s place? Looking ahead Summary Case study: decline of the working class? 123 150 152 152 153 153 153 Review and discussion questions 125 128 132 135 139 145 149 149 Assignments Further reading OnlineRead MoreAgeing As A Negative Development3507 Words  | 15 PagesIntroduction Ageing is traditionally viewed with negative impressions, and it is typical of society to stereotype older people. Even in the field of science, ageing is considered a negative development. A common view of ageing among academics, psychologists and medical physicians about ageing, is that it is associated with loss or deteriorating cognitive ability. This in itself is discriminating and a form of social stigma and stereotyping against older people (Lupien and Wan, 2004). For some culturesRead More Religion in Singapore Essay1848 Words  | 8 PagesPrincipal at Praise land Childcare and Learning Centre in Singapore said, We encourage our children to see, hear, taste and experience the essence of our Singaporean culture†(Guruswamy). According to â€Å"Wikipedia†statistics, a larger percentage population consists of ethnic China about 14% are Malays, and the remaining percentage are ethnic India. The ethnic Chinese consists of many religions; Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity among many others. the ethnic Malays are mostly Muslims and the IndiansRead MoreScly1 Past Papers7036 Words  | 29 Pagespolicies and laws on family life. [24 marks] From the mark scheme: Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: patriarchy; familism; surveillance; ideological control; gender regimes; marital breakdown; family structure; family diversity; welfare dependency; underclass; reserve army of labour Policies/laws on abortion; divorce; contraception; reproductive technology; marriage; adoption; pensions; benefits; taxes; education; childcare; child protection; sexuality; immigration may be discussedRead MoreComparative Social Policy3126 Words  | 13 PagesHong Kong and England have an inseparable relationship with each other. Starting from 1842 to 1997, Hong Kong was one of the colonies under British Empire. The 156 years relationship ended when United Kingdom transferred Hong Kong’s sovereignty to the China government on 1st July 1997. In this period, British government controlled Hong Kong Education and Housing policies but those policies are not as same as England. After the regime shifted to China, Hong Kong government had changed f rom the old
Friday, May 15, 2020
Factors for Academic Success - 2627 Words
What is academic success dependent on? This has been the question for many psychological studies. To answer this question qualitative research needs to be done to investigate what hinders or promotes academic success. This essay will investigate these factors by way of interviews, while framing them in the context of current research. It will then be demonstrated how the Job Demands-Resource model can be used to inform such a study. First though it will be shown why it is of the utmost importance to identify and understand these factors, in essence why such research should be conducted. I Reasons for the research Education is the forefront to any countries economic standing and through education there is a ripple effect that moves through the economy and society. It was found that in a developing country an increase of 1% in enrolment lead to a 0.1% increase in per capita GDP (Ogunade, 2011). Therefore understanding what hinders and aids students in their studies could potentially lead to a better economic status (Ogunade, 2011). There are 23 public universities in South Africa and the major problem facing them is high drop out rates and low retention (Maphosa, Sikhwari, Ndebele, Mashela, 2014). It has been observed that in 2007 20% of students dropped out after the first year of studies and an additional 30% after the second year, which indicates only 50% of students finished there degree and only 15% on the allotted time (Maphosa, Sikhwari, Ndebele, Mashela, 2014).Show MoreRelatedFactors Affecting The Academic Success Of Students796 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Student success is imperative on a national level, all the down to individual families. Parents have often wondered if their education level will affect the academic outcomes of their children. Data from the National Center for Educational Statistics stated, â€Å"the education level of a parent does affect a child’s achievement. Children whose mothers’ have at least a bachelor’s degree tend to participate in more early education experiences†(Centers for Public Education, 2011). AsRead MoreWhat Factors Play Into Students Academic Success?1363 Words  | 6 Pages They only need the correct push and back ground to develop and flesh out their own thoughts. I began to think, what factors play into students academic success and how can we as educators help students in achieving their academic goals? What factors are at play that hinders students from reaching these academic goals and how can we as educators assist in alleviating these factors and foste r growth in students to overcome. Chris Emdin’s Co-teaching model in Hip Hop Pedagogy ascertains that studentsRead MoreAcademic Report On Critical Success Factors And Critical2282 Words  | 10 PagesFAMILY NAME: RAMLY GIVEN NAME: RAIDAH STUDENT ID NUMBER: U5436288 COURSE CODE/NAME: MGMT 7169 / A MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK FOR BUSINESS PROJECTS TUTOR’S NAME: DANIEL MILLER TUTORIAL DAY AND TIME: TUESDAY / 5:00 PM ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: ACADEMIC REPORT ON CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS AND CRITICAL SUCCESSPROCESS OR ASSIGNMENT NO: ASSIGNMENT 1 WORD COUNT: 1814 WORDS DUE DATE: 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 DATE SUBMITTED: 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Please Note: Assignments submitted after 5pm are recorded as being handed in the followingRead MoreIntroduction: There are many factors that contribute to students’ academic success, such as low800 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: There are many factors that contribute to students’ academic success, such as low levels of procrastination, a high level of work drive, being emotionally stable, and a low level of negative life stress. However, scholars have pointed out that many statistics instructors are concerned about the anxiety associated with taking a course in the subject (Bui Alfaro, 2011). The results from studies investigating anxiety about statistics have shown that student attitudes to statisticsRead MoreAcademic Success Can Be Credited Towards Many Outside Factors1762 Words  | 8 Pages Academic success can be credited towards many outside factors. The focus of this this article is the direct and indirect correlation that athletics have on academics. Many of the research show that there are immediate positive factors that promote academic success. Ward (2008) found that students that participate in athletics are quickly inherited boost in popularity, promoting self-confidence, enhances in sense of control, increasing their scores on a variety of standardized test, and raisingRead MoreFactors That Affect Student Achievement1317 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween the environmental factors that are believed to influence the Flynn effect and the academic success of students. The Flynn effect is the increasing IQ trend (Haskings-Winner et al, 2011). More specifically, I will determine if higher quality home environments, improved nutrition, improved education, family size, informative and engaging families impact a student’s academic average in a positive way (Haskings-Winner et al, 2011). This study will focus on the factors that affect student achievementRead MoreCultural And Social Capital Theory999 Words  | 4 Pagessocial capital theory to explore factors affecting the academic success of Chinese students in Los Angeles Community College. The results of the study indicated that the aspirations of obtaining a higher level academic degree and then transferring t o a four-year college or university were considered as the best predictors of academic success for Chinese international students. Whereas, English proficiency was considered to be a weak factor and social interaction factors were not too much related to ChineseRead MoreThe Effect Of The Individual Personality On Success Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pagesof the individual personality on success, whether it be within the workplace or an educational institute (ETS, 2016). Academic success is largely attributed to intellectual ability in everyday life, even though this supports the literature that is intellectual ability does have a large role over academic success it is only one of many factors that can influence academic success, in this study the effect of intellectual ability will be tested against academic success of students to verify and reproduceRead MoreStudent Motivation And Academic Success1568 Words  | 7 PagesThere are a number of factors that can contribute to the academic success of a student in college – motivation, learning preferences/styles, socioeconomic status, whether or not the student is a first generation college student, gender, and even race. With so many factors potentially contributing or hindering a student’s academic success in college; it is important for teachers to attempt to connect with students in the classroom. Adjusting instructional methods that focus on students’ learning preferences/st ylesRead MoreClassroom Implementation For Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1216 Words  | 5 Pagesvarious teaching style that support academic, behavior and social skills. There is a clear indication that general educators accommodate students with disabilities due to state mandated laws and the binding practices of IEPs. Consequently, minimal research exists regarding the academic success of students with autism and the educator’s style of teaching. This encourages the question whether a correlation between teaching-styles in general education and the academic success of students with ASD. Students
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Beauty Definition Essay - 858 Words
What is beauty? How do we define who is attractive and who is not? Is it the models posing on the front of magazine, or the confident, bright eyed person sitting across the room? Our society and media is full of advice telling us what beauty is or how to become beautiful. As human beings we are drawn to beauty, but what exactly is beauty? The phrase, â€Å"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,†is accurate since what one may consider beautiful can vary from what another may consider beautiful. Some people say â€Å"inner beauty†is where true beauty lies, or that â€Å"appearance is everything.†While others think that beauty is in ones personality. Since everyone has a different definition and/or opinion of what beauty truly is, or where they can†¦show more content†¦Sam knows she is beautiful and uses it to her advantage by putting on a facade to fool those around her. She acts as though she cares, but is quick to turn her back on people once she has achieved her goal. When one first meets Sam their initial impression of her is a nice attractive girl, but eventually her facade gets figured out. However, that doesn’t stop people from being drawn in by her beauty. Sam’s actions reflect her souls beauty and can be considered her â€Å"ugly side.†While Becca, on the other hand, treats her beauty in a level headed way. She is never without a smile. She treats everyone kindly, encourages those around her, and lends a hand when needed. Becca’s confident and kind personality makes her more attractive than Sam, who uses her beauty to manipulate people into giving her what she wants. Becca’s beauty, in this situation, doesn’t come from her aesthetic appeal, but rather forms out of her benevolence. Her mentality to do good and be kind to those around her shows her â€Å"beautiful soul,†and shows that personality can affect your beauty. Some believe that their beauty comes from the ir outer appearance. These people usually lack self confidence and find ways to make themselves feel more confident through makeup and or clothes. They find comfort in materialistic possessions that make them feel more confident and beautiful. Every year, hundreds of dollars are spent inShow MoreRelatedThe Definition of Beauty Essay905 Words  | 4 PagesSynthesis Essay #2 The definition of beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty has negative and positive influences on mostly people. Beauty is described by the inside and outside of us. Due to beauty, our self-esteem has been hurt dramatically, especially towards girls. Beauty is not always about our outside looks but it’s about our inside personality also. First of all, beauty hasRead MoreBeauty Definition Essay1411 Words  | 6 PagesBeauty The ways people view beauty have changed over time. Beauty has many definitions, and so many people think about it in different ways. Some people like external beauty and some like internal beauty and many people like both together. Beauty controls how people live and think, but it depends on which definition of beauty they choose to believe in. We live in a world that misunderstands the true meanings of pretty much everything. Thousands of years ago people knew and understood what theRead MoreBeauty Definition Essay1126 Words  | 5 Pagestime? Most people judge beauty base on a person’s physical appearance. However, true beauty sis base on a person’s personality and a how a person treat someone else. The hardest thing is to describe beauty because everyone has their own views about beauty. In my opinion beauty has more to with the way someone see portray themselves. The expression â€Å"beauty†was first used in the 14th century as â€Å"physical attractiveness,†and also â€Å"goodness, courtesy.†The meaning of beauty also came from many placesRead MoreBeauty Definition Essay1156 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is beauty? How do we decide who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of information telling us what is beautiful, but that fact is that information based on? The topic of beauty has been studied, analyzed and controversial for centuries. We all know the feeling you can have when you hear a beautiful song that brings joy to your heart, stands in a field of flowers that excites your eyes, or admires a face that is visually pleasing. As human beings, we are all drawn to beauty, but whatRead MoreThe Definition of Beauty Essay1145 Words  | 5 Pagesadvertising to tell us what is beautiful and what is not. Whether we realize it or not, beauty is ultimately defined for us. Products are advertised all around us, tel ling us that something in our life is missing because we do not have a certain product in our possession. Ranging from make-up to plastic surgery, most of this advertising is geared toward women. This can be shown through the advertisements analyzed in this essay. Both ads depict women who are approachable. The older ad depicts simplicity andRead MoreDefinition Of Beauty Essay829 Words  | 4 Pagesthe word beauty or beautiful what do you think of? The way a person looks the way they are on the inside, or is it not even a human but things in nature. The definition of beauty has a very broad definition everyone has their own meanings their own thoughts on the subject. After a lot of research and interviewing two people getting the perspective of a male who I am very close to and a female who is just a girl in my class I have finally come to some kind of idea of what the word beauty really meansRead MoreDefinition Of Beauty Essay749 Words  | 3 PagesBeauty is commonly defined as the combination of qualities that pleases our senses, mostly our sight. Despite this, throughout many years, the concept of beauty has been considered one of the hardest riddles to solve. This happens not only because of all of what it covers, but also because of society’s beauty patterns. Society has been in charge in making people, mostly girls, to feel inferior because they do not complete this â€Å"beauty standards†in order to be considered beautiful. We need to beRead MoreDefinition Of Beauty Essay722 Words  | 3 PagesThere is an English quote, â€Å"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.†The quote is correct in some people’s eyes but not everyone’s, because someone may think the individual is exquisite, but others may see the flaws you don’t. In the research of a well-known Philosophy about Plato, he saw that beauty wasn’t how someone introduced themselves, or how they looked on the outside but instead on how they are inside. The true beauty in some perspectives, is what they been through with their ownRead MoreAn Extended Definition of Beauty Essay1056 Words  | 5 PagesThe subjective element of beauty involves judgment, not opinion. Many people feel beauty is only something seen by the eyes. St. Thomas Aquinas views beauty in both the supernatural and natural orders. Aquinas lists the attributes of beauty to be found in nature. These are; unity, proportion, and clarity. We will see how these attributes of beauty are seen through the eye and felt by the heart. To begin, the concept of unity follows the Aristotelian proposition that nothing can be added to or takenRead MoreBeauty Extended Definition Essay792 Words  | 4 PagesBeauty is something that can be interpreted completely different from person to person. A famous quote that goes along with this perfectly is â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder.†I think a person’s inner beauty should be taken into account when deciding whether or not a person is beautiful. Wikipedia’s definition of beauty is, â€Å"a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction†while Oxford Dictionary states, â€Å"beauty
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Risk Taking Essay Example For Students
Risk Taking Essay Risk TakingIn our lives, it is important to exercise self-command. However, weshould not be so concerned with the future that we stifle the present. Thequestion becomes what balance should we strike between self-command and risks?What kinds of risks are acceptable or unacceptable? In this essay, we will usetwo examples of risks to show the distinction between the two and arrive at aconclusion as to the balance one should have between risk and self command. Thefirst example we will use is of a person who spends his life savings on alottery ticket and does not win the lottery. The second is of a person whospends his life savings on a hunch regarding a cure for AIDS, a hunch that isfalse. Before we make this distinction, however, it is necessary to define theterms acceptable and unacceptable risks. Acceptable and Unacceptable RisksThere are several ways in which one could define which risks areacceptable.One could say, for example, that the only acceptable risk is onefor which the odds of success are greater than the odds of failure. Anotherdefinition of acceptable risk might be a risk that does not harm ones future. We might also say that the only acceptable risk is one where the aggregatehappiness is increased, thus increasing the moral good of the risk, an ideawhich is based on John Stuart Mills Utilitarianism. Finally, we might define amorally good risk in a Kantian way by saying that the only acceptable risk isone which is rationally thought out (Thomas, lecture). Now that we have several definitions of acceptable risks, we may ask howthese definitions, which seem piecemeal and unrelated, can all combine to formone definition of acceptable risk.The best way to do this is to examine thetwo cases that lie before us and relate the definitions to them. In the processof doing so, we will determine which risk is acceptable and which is not. Risks in the example: the lottery and the AIDS cureIf the average person on the street were presented with the case ofspending ones life savings on a lottery ticket and losing or spending the samesum on a false hunch regarding an AIDS cure, he or she would probably come upwith several answers. For the most part though, all the answers would beconsistent with one idea: the AIDS cure is simply worth more and thus is amore acceptable risk. There might be several reasons for this. One couldassume, for example, that the only person who would attempt to cure AIDS wouldbe a doctor with sufficient experience in the field. It would follow, then,that the odds of finding a cure for AIDS would be much greater than the odds ofwinning the lottery. To win the lottery, one has to draw 6 numbers out of 46 (aprobability that is very low). However, curing AIDS with medical experience isa less risky endeavor.In this instance, trying to cure AIDS would be agreater moral good because it is less risk invol ved in it than in trying to winthe lottery. This case, although quite valid, is not very interesting. In fact,we have solved it rather rapidly. The more interesting case, and the one wewill consider in depth here, is the case in which one has no medical experiencewhatsoever, but still attempts to find a cure. Furthermore, we will set the oddssuch that one has a better chance of winning the lottery than finding a cure forAIDS.Yet, I will still show that, regardless of the greater chance of failure,the attempt at an AIDS cure is still has more moral worth than the purchase ofthe lottery ticket, even though both result in failure. .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b , .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .postImageUrl , .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b , .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:hover , .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:visited , .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:active { border:0!important; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:active , .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5fcd377cb94f499646767a6b6f9c967b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Variable Cost and Unit Selling Price EssayWhy does the spending ones life savings on an AIDS cure have more moralworth (which makes it a more acceptable risk) than spending the same sum on alottery ticket, when the numerical odds of being successful are the same? Whybother, since in the end, the result is the same? The answer lies in Millsdefinition of a moral good, that which is done to increase the common happiness(Mill, Utilitarianism). The AIDS cure is something that will increase the commonhappiness, while a person winning the lottery generally will only increase hisor her happiness. This is almost obvious. Certainly, if I was to win thelottery,
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