Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Development of Complex Societies Essay Example for Free

Development of Complex Societies Essay In the early stages of the development of complex societies, many different factors had a powerful impact on the way the societies developed. In some areas of the world, religion was the primary force that led to the creation of organized societies. Other areas developed on trade routes that made it necessary to develop complex societies to incorporate the growth of different economic classes and the wealth they generated into the structure of the government. In each part of the world where complex societies emerged, the communities were responding to different types of challenges and the complexities each society created forced them to confront new challenges which then led to the great, complex societies of history. The urban society of Mesopotamia developed because of the engineering discoveries that allowed residents of the area between the Tigris and Euphrates to increase food production, while the predictability of the Nile River allowed the Egyptians and Nubians to build large, complex societies around their commercial and religious activities. Many simple early societies were based around farming. Through cultivating crops and the land, people learned they could settle down in one place instead of being nomads and support a larger population of people. These villages needed a social structure, but their sizes were limited by the amount of food they could produce. In Mesopotamia, especially Sumeria and Babylon, there is not much rainfall, but farmers learned they could artificially irrigate their crops using the fresh water in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers[1]. The large-scale engineering projects required greater social organization than the simple farming communities that came before, but they also resulted in increased food production that allowed them to build cities. The urban centers that resulted required more sophisticated organization to make sure that the population was productive: that building projects could be completed, that resources were distributed fairly, and that the city could continue to grow[2]. The division of labor also created different economic classes, which resulted in various social classes as well. Some merchants grew wealthy catering to customers who came to the city from other places, and community building projects required supervision, organization, and funding[3]. Such a large society could not exist as small farmers trading with one another. Political authority was needed to maintain order between the citizens and protect the interests of the entire community, especially the cropland that existed outside the city walls. An example of the way that authority influenced society is the codification of laws by Hammurabi, especially as they related to family relationships and how husbands could treat their wives. Upper-class people whose marriages represented political and economic alliances were subject to the same law, so that even if a husband had a right to punish his wife for a suspected affair, he could not do anything to her unless he caught her in the act. If he did act out on his jealousy, he would be punished. Hammurabi’s laws treated women like the property of their husbands and fathers, but they also described certain standards of behavior that citizens should be expected to follow for the sake of stability and to reign in people’s behavior[4]. The innovation of urban development also led to the Sumerian creation of military power, as each city-state had to protect its farmland and irrigation projects from one another and from outside invaders. Once the city-states had organized themselves into relatively peaceful social organizations united under a single government, their growing populations often led them to go out and try to conquer other city-states or areas with more resources to increase their wealth[5]. In Mesopotamia, the social organization created in the first cities led to the establishment of the first empires. Along the Nile River in northern Africa, small city states also emerged due to the increased production of food that agriculture made possible. Agriculture first developed in Sudan, where people first cultivated wheat crops and domesticated animals that roamed the grassland. The growing populations made these cities into cultural and commercial centers, as well, and they also required political authority to keep the peace and maintain the functioning of all of the complex institutions of a city: dividing up resources, keeping the peace, and protecting their resources from other city-states[6]. These cities were often ruled over by Kings who were not only thought of as political authority but were also considered to be divine themselves, so they also held a great deal of religious authority[7]. Over time, the grasslands became desert and agricultural activity centered along the floodplains of the Nile River in Egypt and Nubia. Egypt, particularly, had a very wide and predictable floodplain which attracted immigrants and allowed the population to grow. United under one ruler, who was also considered to be divine, Egyptian society became increasingly complex. Massive amounts of resources, especially wheat from the fertile harvests, had to be dealt with, marketplaces had to be managed, and armies had to be raised to protect the fertile land from invaders. The main organizing force in Egyptian society was its strong religious component. The Pharaoh was considered a god as well as a king, and the religious power he held was just as important as the political power. The colossal building projects that the Egyptians embarked on, such as the pyramids and temples, required a very complex society and highly skilled workers and engineers[8]. They developed a very complex writing system not only to keep commercial records, but also to record their spiritual beliefs and the history of their empire. Harkhuf used it to document his exploration of Nubia and opening of trade routes there, showing the high levels of complexity that each of those societies had risen to[9]. Both the African and Mesopotamian civilizations developed out of small farming communities who practiced small-scale agriculture. In both areas, advances in agriculture led to increased populations living in densely-populated cities, which allowed the people to divide labor and specialize in different things. The division of labor led to advancement in almost every area: from engineering and agriculture to art and, especially, the political organizations that organized the whole society and made all of those things possible. Both civilizations developed writing systems, originally developed to keep records, but soon used to express imaginations, beliefs, and to write down the histories of their nations. While Mesopotamian cultures were organized around the complex building projects needed to irrigate their fields, societies in the Nile River had other pressures. Their cropland was regularly fertilized and irrigated, so their complexity developed out of a need to organize the wealth of the city-state and the empire that came as a result. Without the pressure of constantly trying to keep their crops irrigated, the Egyptians organized around religious beliefs, which they expressed in their greatest building projects and influenced almost everything they did. The pressures that led smaller societies to develop more complex structures were different in each case, but they both resulted in the building of the first great cities which are necessary for the political, social, and technological innovations of complex society. Although the places they lived were very different, the Sumerians and the Egyptians both developed writing to record their progress, political innovations to maintain control of growing populations, and laid the foundations for great building projects and the great civilizations that would come after them. Bibliography Bentley, Jerry H. and Ziegler, Herbert F., Traditions and Encounters Vol. 1 from The Beginning to 1500, 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010 [1] Jerry H. Bentley and Herbert F. Ziegler, Traditions and Encounters Vol. 1 from The Beginning to 1500, 5th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), 25 [2] Bentley and Ziegel, Traditions, 27 [3] Bentley and Ziegler, Traditions, 33 [4] Bentley and Ziegler, Traditions, 36 [5] Bentley and Ziegler, Traditions, 29 [6] Bentley and Ziegel, Traditions, 50-51 [7] Bentley and Ziegel, Traditions, 52 [8] Bentley and Ziegel, Traditions, 53 [9] Bentley and Ziegel, Traditions, 56

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Effective way of tutoring Essay -- essays research papers

Effective way in Tutoring Students 2004 Outline: A) Introduction B) General discussion 1) Personal Experience 2) Tips on Promoting Student Motivation 3) Advantages and Disadvantages of Tutoring C) Conclusion. Foreword: Tutoring is a tool in helping the children in their academic needs. The tutor guides them in answering their assignments as well as teaching them techniques in solving problems. This paper is aimed at describing tutor functional duties, tips on promoting student motivation, advantages and disadvantages of tutoring and my personal experience of tutoring students. Studies from outside sources would facilitate me in coming up with my own conclusion. I will resort to some convenient tools and opinions to provide a clear position towards effective tutoring. The main discussions and conclusion will be presented immediately within the perception of studies obtained.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a wide variety of reasons why parents have to get tutor for their kids. Some children and adolescents experience difficulty in achieving academic goals. Some are needed to substitute for the absence of the child’s parents. Some children have behavioral disorders or belong to a huge class that is hard for them to catch up classroom discussions (McGinn, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tutoring offers children who may be experiencing troubles with their schoolwork a chance to improve their education by receiving special attention that they may not get from a teacher or parent. They encourage kids to move forward and do their best. They are also people that children may look up to as role models. It is a hands-on approach to help children’s learning processes (McGinn, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am a tutor of math subjects in high school students. I helped them solve their assignments and teach them techniques in solving. A lot of students are having difficulty when it comes to problem solving. Problem solving is not easy at first, but following the right strategies and steps you would arrive to the correct answer. I make sure that I teach my students step by step in solving the problems and guide them in applying the techniques I taught them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a tutor, I treated my students like my friends and persuade them as much as possible to do their best in their assignments, ... ...ccess. Some report that tutoring works sometimes and under certain conditions. Others have reported that one-to-one tutoring has been an extremely effective intervention. In short, the beliefs about efficacy of tutoring are varied (, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tutoring is a helpful tool for kids having difficulty in schools. Tutors are mentors that guide and support students in obtaining their academic goals. However tutoring has an end point. They are not there to answer the assignments or make the projects of the students. They are the one that establishes your skills in studying your lesson. It is not only able to get high grades or able to pass all the requirements needed in school but to teach the children to be independent and to learn the skills they needed in solving or answering the problems they encountered. References: McGinn, Shiela. Tutoring In the Community. 1999. 5 March 2004. The Effects of an After-School Tutoring Program on the Academic Performanceof at-risk Students with LD. 5 March 2004. Wright, Jim. Encouraging Student Academic Motivation. 2001. Intervention Central. 5 March 2004. Effective way of tutoring Essay -- essays research papers Effective way in Tutoring Students 2004 Outline: A) Introduction B) General discussion 1) Personal Experience 2) Tips on Promoting Student Motivation 3) Advantages and Disadvantages of Tutoring C) Conclusion. Foreword: Tutoring is a tool in helping the children in their academic needs. The tutor guides them in answering their assignments as well as teaching them techniques in solving problems. This paper is aimed at describing tutor functional duties, tips on promoting student motivation, advantages and disadvantages of tutoring and my personal experience of tutoring students. Studies from outside sources would facilitate me in coming up with my own conclusion. I will resort to some convenient tools and opinions to provide a clear position towards effective tutoring. The main discussions and conclusion will be presented immediately within the perception of studies obtained.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a wide variety of reasons why parents have to get tutor for their kids. Some children and adolescents experience difficulty in achieving academic goals. Some are needed to substitute for the absence of the child’s parents. Some children have behavioral disorders or belong to a huge class that is hard for them to catch up classroom discussions (McGinn, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tutoring offers children who may be experiencing troubles with their schoolwork a chance to improve their education by receiving special attention that they may not get from a teacher or parent. They encourage kids to move forward and do their best. They are also people that children may look up to as role models. It is a hands-on approach to help children’s learning processes (McGinn, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am a tutor of math subjects in high school students. I helped them solve their assignments and teach them techniques in solving. A lot of students are having difficulty when it comes to problem solving. Problem solving is not easy at first, but following the right strategies and steps you would arrive to the correct answer. I make sure that I teach my students step by step in solving the problems and guide them in applying the techniques I taught them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a tutor, I treated my students like my friends and persuade them as much as possible to do their best in their assignments, ... ...ccess. Some report that tutoring works sometimes and under certain conditions. Others have reported that one-to-one tutoring has been an extremely effective intervention. In short, the beliefs about efficacy of tutoring are varied (, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tutoring is a helpful tool for kids having difficulty in schools. Tutors are mentors that guide and support students in obtaining their academic goals. However tutoring has an end point. They are not there to answer the assignments or make the projects of the students. They are the one that establishes your skills in studying your lesson. It is not only able to get high grades or able to pass all the requirements needed in school but to teach the children to be independent and to learn the skills they needed in solving or answering the problems they encountered. References: McGinn, Shiela. Tutoring In the Community. 1999. 5 March 2004. The Effects of an After-School Tutoring Program on the Academic Performanceof at-risk Students with LD. 5 March 2004. Wright, Jim. Encouraging Student Academic Motivation. 2001. Intervention Central. 5 March 2004.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Jack London: The Law of LIfe Essay

LALAJack London: The Law of Life Culture is the expression of our nature on how we live, interact, believe, where we gain our knowledge, and it also distinguishes people from another in divergent societies. The culture of Native Americans is so history rich and storied cultured that it cannot be easily misinterpreted by anyone that is foreign of their way of life. In â€Å"The Law of Life,† Jack London describes the culture of the Native Americans and their proclivity towards life as it revolves around Naturalism and The Survival of the Fittest. We can describe â€Å"The Law of Life† as the circle of life. The circle of life begins when a man is born and ends with his or her death. â€Å"Koskoosh thinks of the leaves turning in autumn from green to brown, of young girls that grow more and more attractive until they find a man, raise children and slowly grow ugly by age and labor (London, 389).† The cycle of life and death is always indisputable in life. Death is a natural cycle as is birth; the distinction is how death occurs and affects a living creature. In the â€Å"Law of Life,† by Jack London, the law becomes acceptable to the tribe due to the nature of their survival in the harsh conditions in the artic regions. For example, deep and heavy snow may make it harder for hunters to bring back food for the tribe, or animals may go into hibernation to keep their young safe when they are vulnerable. Whenever necessities are scarce, the tribe migrates from one area to another for food, shelter, medicine, livable weather conditions, move to habitats that are more hospitable, and the elderly and disability people are left alone so that they will not be a hindrance on the migration and the survival of the tribe. The availability of food and water can change throughout the year. When I first read Jack London’s short story â€Å"The Law of Life† for my assigned literature reading for English class, I was deeply impressed by Jack London’s writing style. Jack London’s sense of observation made his stories deeply realistic as if they were happening right before us as if we were in the characters shoes; therefore, the entire story gave us a mouth full of food for thought of what could possibly develop next. Jack London’s short story was based around how Naturalism affects everyone in their lives. Naturalism plays a magnificent part on the tribes that are faced to whatever situations in life that their heredity, social conditions, and environment prepare them to encounter. â€Å"Naturalism in literature is explained as an attempt to be true to nature by not writing unrealistic stories about what life is like (Weegy).† Naturalistic writers try to show that man’s existence, is determined by things over which he has no control over and about which he can exercise little by if he has any choice. Man can only do nothing to prevent nature from taking a certain course; however, man does have the ability, to create protection from inclement weather, by way of: shelter, clothing, and supplies. Man is equal with all life and nature. We all eat, sleep, live, and eventually die. Many of Jack London’s stories talk about the constant struggle of surviving and staying alive. As discussed in class, nature doesn’t care who you are or where you come from; it is something that is continual and non-stopping. Man and the environment are both together in the struggle to compete for life. The aim is survival. Darwin’s Theory of the big fish that eats up the small fish, explains The Survival of the Fittest. Man and environment are both confronted between infinite, irrational Mother Nature and irrational human beings. The arctic region weather is harsh and endless. In the horrid, cold weather, the man act like the wild animal; however, the wild animals live a less troublesome life of what the tribe members have to encounter. For example, the animals survive exceptionally by their natural instincts by avoiding any type of danger. Man usually is fated to death when they cannot support the tribe any longer. After death, man became part of the nature and joined the endless and everlasting process of nature. Unfortunately, an older man named Koskoosh is strongly affected by naturalism. He is slowly growing older and is losing his ability to keep up with the tribe as the days go by. The seasons are changing and therefore, the tribe has to migrate for food and Koskoosh is too impaired to make the trip and he may hold his family back. He understands that those who are weak, old and are not able to take care of themselves must move on with their lives and give up a place to the healthier and younger, livin g human beings. Koskoosh knows what is in store for him since he has disabilities and won’t be able to benefit the tribe. He sits aside observing the tribe pack up making sure he isn’t a burden to them while they prepare for migrating. In the distance he listens to his granddaughter give commands to break camp. He only wishes for her to at least say goodbye to him. â€Å"Life calls her, and the duties of life, not  death†. Koskoosh understands that if she slows down to visit with him it will jeopardize the health of the tribe, because they must follow the caribou. Koskoosh can also hear the cries of little Koo-tee who in his mind is a fretful child, and not over strong.† â€Å"He feels as though the child would die soon, again he is internally enforcing to himself that death will come to everyone (London, 389-390).† Despite the law, he still somewhat anticipates for an exception to himself since his son is the leader of the tribe. â€Å"He hears a soft footstep o f a moccasin in the snow, and then feels a hand rest on his head. His son, the current chief, has come to say good-bye. Not all sons do this for their fathers, and Koskoosh is quietly grateful and proud. The son asks, â€Å"Is it well with you?† The people have left, the son explains, and they are moving quickly because they have not eaten well for some time. Koskoosh assures him that all is well, that he knows he is old and near death, and that he is ready. He compares his life to that of â€Å"last year’s leaf, clinging lightly to the stem. The first breath that blows and I fall. My voice is become like an old woman’s. My eyes no longer show me the way of my feet, and my feet are heavy, and I am tired. It is well (London, 890).† â€Å"The son walks away, and now Koskoosh is truly alone. He reaches out his hand to check his woodpile and thinks about how the fire will slowly die out, and he will slowly freeze to death (Overview).† Koskoosh is expected to freeze to death, most likely, to starve, or to be killed and eaten by animal predators. It was a continuing tradition that he could not prevent. â€Å"It was easy,† Koskoosh thinks, all men must die (Overview).† It is the law of life. To abandon the weak was not only understandable but it was helpful to the existence of the whole tribe. While he did not complain about his fate, he became sympathetic to other living beings that were abandoned when the group agreed that they were no longer needed in the tribe; however, in his childhood he would not have given a second thought on l eaving an old tribe member behind to fend for him or herself. â€Å"He remembered how he had abandoned his own father on an upper reach of the Klondike one winter, the winter before the missionary came with his talk-books and his box of medicines (London 392)†. Left in the frozen weather where the snow and whole land is covered by an endless blanket of snow, he recalls doing the same thing to his father decades ago, throwing him away like a piece of trash. In his final moments, Koskoosh commemorates of a time when he was young with a  friend, Zing-ha, and witnessed a moose fall down and fight his way back to standing ground where the moose succeeded in stomping one of the wolves to death. The moose fought until it was exhausted and overpowered by the pack of wolves. Koskoosh concludes that nature did not embrace whether a man lived or died; the continuing of the species was all that was to be substantive in â€Å"the law of life†. All things have a certain task to maintain in life, and all things after completing this task must die. The moose which fought to the very end is a symbol of foreshadowing of what happens to all living creatures; that all men must die and that this is what life is supposed to be. While recapping those memories of when he was younger, he feels the cold, wet nose of the wolf on his bare, cold skin. His mind flashes back to the wounded, bloody moose from long ago that was taken down by the same creature. This time, more horrific memories are being brought up in his mind. The blood, the big yellow eyes and the barbed fangs of the pack, and the way they enclosed slowly on the moose, slowly easing up on their prey until the opportunity came to attack. His instinct for survival was to maneuver a flaming branch at the wolf to make him back away. The wolf retreats, but calls out to his pack, and suddenly there are many wolves gathered around Koskoosh in a pack. Koskoosh remembers the moose, remembers that death will come whether he fights against it or not. As content with death as he seemed to be, he is now fighting for his life, knowing he’s about to die. Koskoosh finally realizes what he is doing and that he probably really doesn’t stand a chance. â⠂¬Å"What did it matter after all?† â€Å"Was it not the law of life?† â€Å"Why should I cling to life (London, 394)?† He then drops the stick into the snow and rests his tired head on his knees and waits for death to take him. In conclusion, all human beings eventually face eternal rest regardless of our cultures; it is the irrevocable of death. It is impossible to change or turn back life; it is like a river, no one can stop its flow. This is unfortunate, but nature is unforgiving, powerful, and knows no compassion. Koskoosh goes through his memories of his own life’s trials and misfortunes to try and give him an understanding of why he is sacrificing his life as an individual. He believes we are all going to face death and we will always strive to survive, no matter the odds in our favor. Works Cited Main Theme of â€Å"The Law of Life†. Weegy. 19 March 2013. â€Å"Overview: ‘The Law of Life’.† Short Stories for Students. Ed. Sara Constantakis. Vol. 35. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Literature Resource Center. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. London, Jack. â€Å"The Law of Life.† The Bedford Anthology of American Literature Vol 2. ‘Ed’ 2008. Susan Belasco and Linck Johnson. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008. Pp. 388-394.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Operation Management at Hard Rock Cafe Essay - 1116 Words

On June 14, 1971 the first Hard Rock Cafà © opened its doors in London, England. The small pub soon became a popular attraction with its rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia. It is now located in 40 different countries with 121 restaurants. To have become such a success, management has carefully applied the 10 decisions of operation management. First, in order to provide the best experience for customers, human resources, carefully chooses the staff it hires for their passion of music and their desire to serve. Hard Rock Cafà © carefully trains and develops their crew to excite the customers and provide entertainment. The enthusiasm of the entire staff as they engage the customers is one of the reasons people keep going back. Scheduling the large†¦show more content†¦Quality evaluates the food and service regularly by surveying the customers on their satisfaction on a scale of 1-7. If the food or service does not rank a 7, it is considered a failure. Supply management assists in product design and managing quality by only ordering from qualified suppliers that have proven that they have needed ingredients and that they deliver on time. To make sure that customers are attracted to the Hard Rock Cafà ©, management has developed a smart location strategy. Before deciding on a location, they will carefully research a market and look for an exact location. They will also study the timing to make sure that the economy will support a new cafà © in that area. Once a cafà © is opened, it is watched carefully and process and capacity design will modify the menu, inventory, and layout as customer’s tastes change. Productivity of the kitchen staff and wait staff at Hard Rock cafà © is determined by the use of the surveys that are given to the customers. If the staff does not earn a 7, they have not properly done their job. Also, how efficiently a table is turned or served and emptied would reflect on the production of the wait staff. When a se rvice company such as Hard Rock Cafà © applies the 10 decisions of operational management to its business, it is looking to run a business that will entertain the customers and keep them coming back. All the decisions are made based on what does the customer want toShow MoreRelatedFrom Your Knowledge of Restaurants, from the Video, from the Global Company Profile That Opens This Chapter, and from the Case Itself, Identify How Each of the 10 Decisions of Operations Management Is Applied at Hard Rock Cafe.3040 Words   |  13 PagesOperational Management Fields of Hard Rock Cafe Operation management is an academic field of study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, control and use of service firm and their operations as show by the case study of the Hard Rock Cafà ©. The operational management synthesizes concepts that have been produced from all other departments such as quality management, accounting, information systems and inventory among others. To ensure that the company has sustenance in the business, itRead MoreHow to Hard Rock Cafe Success1396 Words   |  6 PagesHard Rock Cafà © is a success story in operation management. From its very first London pub in 1971, after 39 years of existence Hard Rock cafà © continued expanding and succeeding in many different countries. This paper will discuss how the 10 decisions of the Operation management were made on Hard Rock Cafà © as well as operation management challenges and opportunities confronting Hard Rock Cafà © when considering an expansion of its business in Hanoi. 1. Critically evaluate the operations managementRead MoreHard Rock Cafe Om Case Essay654 Words   |  3 PagesINTRODUCTION TO OPERATION MANAGEMENT PG1 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATION MANAGEMENT: Identify how each of the 10 decisions of operations management is applied at Hard Rock Cafà ©. TOURO UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL GEORGE L. HALL MODULE I CASE ASSIGNMENT OPM 300 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATION MANAGEMENT DR. ROGER B. RENSVOLD DR. GARY HANNEY 18 AUGUST 2008 Identify how each of the 10 decisions of operations management is applied at Hard Rock Cafà ©. Read MoreHard Rock Cafe Case Study1435 Words   |  6 PagesHard Rock Cafà ©, a successful theme restaurant, a global competitor, and a phenomenon opened on June 14, 1971 in England. After a decade, in 1988, Hard Rock Cafà © relocated its headquarters to Orlando, Florida and has since then, expanded its location to more than 40 Cafà © and employee 75% of their employees throughout the United State. While serving more than 100,000 meals each day, Hard Rock Cafà © chefs are adapting to the change of new taste and music as they continue to gain 45 plus years to theirRead MoreHard Rock Operations Management and Productivity of the Staff1160 Words   |  5 PagesOPM300-INTRO TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT The Hard Rock Cafà © (HRC) has become such a successful business due to the business aspect being adequately managed operationally. Since the first HRC opened in 1971, the household name has continued to expand and succeed. How has a small pub that originated in London, England become one of the most successful enterprises around the world? Hard Rock has over 166 venues in more than 52 countries around the world, including 133 cafes and 14 Hotels/CasinosRead MoreHard Rock Cafe Case Essay789 Words   |  4 PagesVaravithaya September 21, 2012 MISM Hardrock Cafà © Case: 1. What problems did the Rank Group find with the Hard Rock’s three main internal information systems (restaurant operations, merchandising, and financial)? Why was this a problem? [table – indented white bullets answer why] Restaurant Operations | Merchandising | Financial | * Different owners/franchisers implemented own restaurant management systems * No standards = hard for corporate to analyze sales * ProcessesRead MoreHardrock Case Study625 Words   |  3 Pages1. What problems did the Rank Group find with the Hard Rock’s three main internal information systems (restaurant operations, merchandising, and financial)? Why was this a problem? INTERNAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROBLEMS EFFECTS Restaurant Operations - Different management systems adopted by the franchisees - No unified standards for all outlets - Flow of business processes are in a mess - Lack of communication - Used the Linux box network which is prone to hackers - Customers will not beRead MoreHard Rock Cafe Case study1814 Words   |  8 PagesCASE: HARD ROCK CAFÉ MGT 215 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE The activity provides different objectives; one of the main objectives is to be able to work within a group. This may seem like something easy, but different complications may also arise along the road. That is why it was very important for us to choose the right groupmates to ensure efficient results. But the more specific objective of the activity is to learn what it takesRead MoreHard Rock International - Crm1613 Words   |  7 PagesHard Rock International Executive Summary Hard Rock International is chain of cafà ©s, hotels, casinos, and theme parks spread across 53 countries. It has the world’s largest collection of rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia that the customers can see when they visit any of Hard Rock’s locations. Hard Rock’s main business model was built around a customer-centric approach. As the business was growing, the customer queries were hitting the numbers close to 56000 inquiries annually; a number that was gettingRead MoreThe Logistics Of Mcdonald s Supply Chain983 Words   |  4 Pagestheir storage. The next phase is where the operation processes take place. Usually, it involves activities that create the end product, ensuring that its quality meets the customer’s expectations. Capacity Planning For both Hard Rock Cafà © and McDonald’s, the major bottleneck is the time taken in the operation process. This bottleneck can be eliminated by reducing the time customers take in queuing and in order delivery. Both companies have similar operations hence similar bottlenecks. In this case