Friday, December 27, 2019
The Hero With A Thousand Faces - 796 Words
In 1949, Joseph Campbell published his book â€Å"The Hero with a Thousand Faces.†It details his theory of the â€Å"monomyth,†a theory that illustrates how many heroic mythological stories have similar outlines and archetypes. During his discussion of the second chapter of the monomyth, Campbell says that the monomyth can â€Å"serve as a general pattern for men and women†in their everyday lives (121). In many circumstances, comparisons can be made between normal situations throughout life and the monomyth. When a challenge of task is encountered in life, it can be analyzed under the three main stages of the monomyth: the departure, the initiation, and the return. The first stage of the monomyth is the departure. In this stage, the hero first receives â€Å"call to adventure,†either directly or sometimes unwittingly. In a real life example, this would be taking on a task, one that is assigned by someone else or one that is chosen by oneself. This coul d be an assignment at a job, or it could be the desire to pursue a new hobby. Campbell mentions the â€Å"refusal of the call,†or the turning away from the journey. In life, when taking on a task, it can seem too difficult or frightening, and the natural desire may be to turn away. Campbell warns that this â€Å"converts the adventure into its negative†¦ [and] the subject loses the power of affirmative action and becomes a victim to be saved†(59). Though an adventure may be difficult, the hero will usually gain the assist of a supernatural aid. ManyShow MoreRelatedThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1540 Words  | 7 PagesCampbell â€Å"The Hero With A Thousand Faces†and The Movie â€Å"Alien†A hero is â€Å"a man (or occasionally a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favored by the gods.†Based on this quote, found on â€Å"The Oxford English Dictionary Online,†one can assume that the hero would be a man based on the terms that are used. People often associate a man as being the almighty power in a situation. They are referred to as the hero. One does not often find a movie about superheroes with the hero being a womanRead MoreHero With A Thousand Faces1555 Words  | 7 PagesAnyone can be a hero, no matter where they come from, they could be your neighbor or be in the next town over, in another state or even in another country. Luis Gonzalez, born and raised in a small farm in Jalisco Mexico was eighteen years old when his own personal hero journey began. A â€Å"Heroes Journey†is a seventeen stage itinerary divided into three segments listed in order; Departure, Initiation and Return. These stages consist of what the hero in t he story will do in their journey accordingRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1284 Words  | 6 Pages Analysis of Beowulf In his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, first published in 1949, esteemed American mythologist Joseph Campbell outlines the fundamental structure every archetypal hero follows during his or her journey in the world of mythologies. Campbell coined the term â€Å"monomyth to describe the stories that follow this structure. The monomythic cycle, commonly referred to as The Hero s Journey, is divided into three primary sections known as the Departure, Fulfillment, and ReturnRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1524 Words  | 7 PagesRevised Draft A hero is â€Å"a man (or occasionally a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favored by the gods.†Based on this quote, found on â€Å"The Oxford English Dictionary Online,†one can assume that the hero would be a man based on the terms that are used. People often associate a man as being the almighty power in a situation. They are referred to as the hero. One does not often find a movie about superheroes with the hero being a woman. Gender should not define who is the betterRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1328 Words  | 6 PagesCooper Clarke English 4 – Period 2 Mr. McQueary 8/22/14 The Hero with a Thousand Faces Prologue – The Monomyth Myth and Dream Myths are universal and transcendent through time; many ancient myths are seen recreated in modern times. The author uses Oedipus as a way of comparing myth to psychology. Dreams have also played a major role in civilization; the people who could interpret dreams can understand and create myths. â€Å"Dream is the personalized myth†(19). Tragedy and Comedy People have alwaysRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces2252 Words  | 10 Pagestheory of the monomyth, all the myths that have withstood the test of time for thousands of years are based on a similar foundation. This foundation is explored in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces where he describes the theory in this quote â€Å"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on hisRead MoreThe Hero with One Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell1447 Words  | 6 Pagesyoung innocent character who embarks on a journey and becomes a hero, known as The Hero’s Journey; a series of steps that all heroes follow. This journey not only shows the main character becoming a hero but also shows the hero move along a path similar to that of adolescence, the path between childhood and maturity. The Hero’s Journey was created by a man by the name of Joseph Campbell. He wrote a book called The Hero with One Thousand Faces, a novel containing a variety of stories that follow the stepsRead MoreThe Cultural Values And The Archetypal Patterns Of The Novel Hero With A Thousand Faces 1331 Words  | 6 Pageson a pedestal, unlike their deception during the Late Middle Ages after the advent of chivalry and courtly love. On that note, Sir Gawain and Beowulf both reflect the cultural values and the archetypal patterns found in Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces which are expressed throughout their communities. Even though some of the values such as valor and loyalty carried over from one time period to another, the two cultures experienced a paradigm shift from the way fighting was conducted allRead MoreTo What Extent Did the Book Hero with a Thousand Faces Influence the Sci-Fi Fantasy Film Genre, Specifically George Lucas’s Star Wars Trilogy?4143 Words  | 17 PagesIntroduction A hero goes forth from his familiar life into a world of the supernatural; difficulties are encountered which the hero conquers; and he returns home to celebrate with his friends. You may think you know what sci-fi/fantasy movie I’m talking about. But what I was actually describing is the book Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Because when it comes down to it, almost all sci-fi and fantasy movies follow the same basic pattern, the â€Å"Monomyth†described in Campbell’s bookRead MoreThe Hobbit, Or There And Back Again Essay1423 Words  | 6 Pagesor final battle followed by their return. Amongst the greatest and most authoritative pieces of literature written in the 20th century is Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Both the ideals and concepts within The Hero with a Thousand Faces are being used, and have been used, in the art of storytelling for thousands of years. The specific concepts Joseph Campbell lays out within the text is a dissection of the many common themes which the vast majority of stories, the heroic tale
Thursday, December 19, 2019
An Asb Bank Economic Expert Essay - 1288 Words
An ASB Bank economic expert says she expects the Reserve Bank governor Bollard post to reduce the official money rate partly attributable to the economic impact of the earthquake. The personal, economic and money ramifications for the complete economy from the February earthquake are getting more severe as more data involves hand, bank economic expert Jane Turner.At a time of national crisis, once the underlying economy is already proving frustratingly weak, a rate cut would doubtless be extremely useful to the recovery of the economy.She same she expected the Federal Reserve Bank to deliver a fifty point rate cut in March , if not sooner. the present OCR is three per cent.The CBD faces destruction so much on the far side that skilled within the earthquake. As a result, the amount of disruption to economic activity are so much bigger, she said.The imapct to infrastructure was so much bigger and also the central city district was out of action for a long period of time The details stay incomplete , and NZ continues to face immense uncertainties. however we conclude that this earthquake will take a bigger toll on the city and also the wider financial system, same Turner.The financial implications are probably going to be a lot of over the Sept quake. a lot of of it ll be insured. However, there ll still have to be compelled to be an outsized diversion of personal and public funds and resources to the town region. The cost to the govt was possible to be a lot ofShow MoreRelatedAccounting Structure Of Ireland : An Introduction1643 Words  | 7 Pagesinvestment and a growingly complex tax code offered new prospects in a growing Irish economy. The Accountants started to offer a broader variety of services and expertise to their companies and the customers. The Irish accountancy firms hired external experts and supported active younger partners, throwing off the conventional mantle of the past and presenting themselves as business people offering services to business people. In fact, members of the profession working in the industry came more and moreRead MoreAccounting Structure Of Ireland : An Introduction1846 Words  | 8 Pagesdirect investment and a growingly complex tax code offered new prospects in a growing Irish economy. The Accountants started to offer a broader variety of services and expertise to their companies and the customers. Accountancy firms hired external experts and supp orted active younger partners, throwing off the conventional mantle of the past and presenting themselves as business people offering services to business people. In fact, members of the profession working in the industry came more and moreRead MoreAccounting Structure Of Ireland : An Introduction1855 Words  | 8 Pagesdirect investment and a growingly complex tax code offered new prospects in a growing Irish economy. The Accountants started to offer a broader variety of services and expertise to their companies and the customers. Accountancy firms hired external experts and supported active younger partners, throwing off the conventional mantle of the past and presenting themselves as business people offering services to business people. In fact, members of the profession working in the industry came more and moreRead MoreSwot Analysis1426 Words  | 6 Pagesclient product portfolio. 6) According to its FY2011 financial report, Maybank showed low overhead cost RM3, 933, 798. 1) With all the good branding and all, Maybank is still low of customer satisfaction rating. They are rated at number 7 (out of 8 banks in Malaysia) for customer service in year 2012. 2) No continual evaluation and updating of human resources practices and policies. The workers collateral agreement has been passed due from March 2010. 3) Maybank has a reputation for new product developmentRead MoreSadasfsaf1327 Words  | 6 Pagesfounded by the business sector over 20 years ago. The EnviroSeries is BEC’s flagship conference that stages twice a year with the aim of providing a forum for government officials, business leaders, academics, industry practitioners and international experts to discuss and address key issues related to environmental sustainability in Hong Kong. With a proven track record, the EnviroSeries serves as an ideal platform for different industry sectors to facilitate knowledge exchange on a broad range of sustainabilityRead MoreThe Commonwealth Bank Of Australia3086 Words  | 13 Pages The Commonwealth Bank of Australia was founded by the Commonwealth Bank Act on December 22, 1911, introduced by the Andrew Fisher Labor Government, Which favored bank nationalization. In a rare move for the time, the bank was to have both savings and general bank business. The commonwealth bank of Australia is an Australian multinational bank with businesses across New Zealand, Fiji, Asia, USA and the United Kingdom. Commonly referred to as the commonwealth bank or commbank, it provides a varietyRead MoreHarmonization of Accounting Standards Through Internationalization5845 Words  | 24 PagesHarmonization of accounting standards has become a highly demanded issue of discussion and debate among accounting professionals around the globe. Accounting Standards are the authoritative statements of best accounting practices issued by recognized expert accountancy bodies relating to various aspects of measurements, treatments and disclosures of accounting transactions and events, as rel ated to the codification of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These are stated to be the norms ofRead MoreThe Role Of Auditor, Their Legal And Professional Requirements, Benefits And Limitations2244 Words  | 9 PagesWhen we talk about the audit profession, we mean truthful and independent opinion about the financial and economic sphere. In the narrow sense, audit is an independent test for the reliability of the information in the financial statement of the company. Auditor is the oldest profession. The Latin word â€Å"auditor†means â€Å"listener†. It is generally agreed that the historical motherland of audit is England, where in the XIII-XIV centuries, the basic principles of auditing, such as honesty, competenceRead Moreaccounting standards. Introduction to Accounting Standards7282 Words  | 30 Pagesaccounting standards accounting standards Introduction to Accounting Standards Accounting is the art of recording transactions in the best manner possible. Accounting Standards are the policy documents issued by recognized expert accountancy bodies relating to various aspects of measurement, treatment and disclosure of accounting transactions and events. Every country has its own standards. Accounting Standards in India are issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)Read MoreCase Study : Kia Ora Festival Essay3069 Words  | 13 PagesMaori people are needed as knowledge support and performers. Attendees always have decisive power of this event, because they are the customers who organizers make profit from. Local community can be impacted by event in environmental, social and economic aspects such as pollutions, resources waste and employment. It also has positive or negative impacts to this event, which means if an event cannot be well received by local people, it is difficult for this event to exist. 2.3 Target market The
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Jhonann Pachelbel free essay sample
Baroque composer, organist and teacher, who brought the south German organ tradition to its peak. He composed a large body of sacred and secular music, and his contributions to the development of the chorale prelude and fugue have earned him a place among the most Important composers of the middle Baroque era. Canon In D One of Poachable favorite pieces and probably one of the most recognizable pieces of classical music.Many different versions have emerged for this particular piece; from impel solo arrangement for the piano to more elaborate arrangements for different instruments. It has been used in various films like Father of the Bride and is a favorite choice for those who are tying the knot. Canon in D continues to be a favorite of many music lovers and it is believed it will remain so. In music, a canon is a contrapuntal compositional technique that employs a melody with one or more imitations of the melody played after a given duration. We will write a custom essay sample on Jhonann Pachelbel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The initial melody is called the leader, while the imitative melody, which is played in a deferent voice, is called the follower. I have chosen to compare it with We dance on by N Dub and the Rockabilly Canon. We dance on Is similar because It plays three of the same parts. It also uses some of the same Instruments. The Rockabilly Canon Is salary because It uses some of the same Instruments and It plays all the same parts. The first song Is different because it has vocals. The second song is different because it was faster and the way the instruments were played was different. Modern music covers a range of styles, genres and functions. All modern music inherits elements from the past. Modern music is often performed using the same types of instruments that were used during the classical era. Horns, new-age strings, harps and keyboards. In modern music it is common to combine various kinds of popular and ethnic music with classical music to form fusion styles.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Assassin Essay Example For Students
The Assassin Essay The sky was scorched crimson as the obscurity of night overpowered the light of day. In the distance the picturesque profile of London was perceptible under the blanket of radiant silver stars. Beneath this unique declaration of splendour a solitary silhouette was projected against the wall of a dimly lit back alley. He had an unnaturally intense glare, his vision passionately focused on an excruciatingly striking cerise TVR Tuscan. It was almost time. Despite the evident risk he was undertaking his eyes portrayed obsession, infatuation and desire to realize his acutely elusive vocation. The moon shone through the bare branches of an old oak tree casting ghostly shadows on the transparent sheet of astonishingly delicate ice. As the unique complicity of crystallised snowflakes descended delicately from the sky, the searchlight of a police helicopter briefly illuminated the car park. He remained unruffled by this passing scare. As the faint sound of stiletto heels approached his patiently awaiting ears, he knew it was time. He obscured himself from view as she cautiously approached her car aware of the potential threat. The delicate roar of her car was an indication to follow. We will write a custom essay on The Assassin specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The vicious velocity boost gave her an obvious advantage but he continued to follow her with cunning initiative. She indicated in the direction of the next slip road and continued to accelerate away from him. As she advanced towards her strikingly refined cottage he waited. After furtively making enquiries and analysing her every move for months he knew her like a lover. She slowly pulled into her gravel drive carefully avoiding the colossal wrought iron gates, the stones crunched and rolled beneath her almost reflective alloy wheels. As he had repeatedly scrutinized her he knew the pattern of events that would follow. She removed her perfectly petite leather gloves and positioned them painstakingly precisely on the dashboard. Checking her appearance in the rear view mirror she noticed an imperfection and re-applied a perilously dangerous shade of rich scarlet to her voluptuously full lips. She then complemented this with a sweep of blusher to each of her remarkably proportioned cheekbones. After delicately brushing her glossy golden hair she switched of her radio and stepped out of the car. As she struggled across the rock-strewn drive with immense precaution he prepared himself for the big finale. His timing had to be impeccable. She advanced towards the towering oak door and seductively flicked her ivory white menthol cigarette. As she gently inserted her key into the lock, he waited. She dropped her bag. He waited. Timing was one of the many vital qualities that he had learnt to have power over. He stood secreted from her line of vision and inaudibly removed a platinum plated PPK from the pocket of his trench coat. The gun was almost as striking as her its exterior beauty and expensive taste was unambiguously apparent to the naked eye. Only the best would suffice. He aligned the weapon towards his target and as her key clicked the brutally beautiful bullet pierced her heart. As the definition of perfection fell to her death the walls were left permanently stained by the ruby red blood that seeped out of her chest. As she drew in her final breath a shooting star fired across the jet-black sky symbolising the bullet that tragically stole her flawless life leaving her as nothing more than a memory. As he made his way back to the car he stopped. It was disturbing to see such a beautiful woman degradingly slumped across her own doorstep bleeding profusely. As he calmly closed the car door, a cynical grin infected his otherwise expressionless face like a virus. He knew his association was undetectable. After lighting a cigarette he expertly manoeuvred his way out of the crime scene oblivious to the prior assassination. No evidence of remorse or repentance was shown for the infringement and murder immorally committed.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Guide to French Words for Beverages
A Guide to French Words for Beverages Its no secret that the French love to eat and drink. By learning the vocabulary for common beverages and food, youll develop a deeper appreciation for this tasty aspect of French culture and make sure you never go hungry while traveling. This guide some of the most common words and phrases associated with eating and drinking, as well as links to sound files to practice your pronunciation. Vocabulary There are a handful of verbs youll use frequently when discussing food and drink, including avoir (to have), boire (to drink), prendre (to take), and vouloir (to want). If youre a true foodie, you may also want to learn more about how to talk about wine and coffee in French. la và ´tre!  Cheers! To your health!avoir soif  to be thirstyune boisson drink, beverageun apà ©ritif, un apà ©ro (informal) cocktail, before-dinner drinkune bià ¨re beerune boisson gazeuse soda, pop, soft drinkun cafà ©Ã‚ coffee, espressole champagne champagneun chocolat (chaud) hot chocolateun cidre hard ciderun citron pressà ©Ã‚ lemonadeun digestif after-dinner drinkleau watereau du robinet tap watereau plate still / plain watereau gazeuse sparkling / mineral waterun express espressoune infusion herbal teale jus juicele lait milkune limonade lemon soda (like Sprite or 7-Up)un pastis anise-flavored apà ©ritifune pression beer on taple thà ©Ã‚ teale thà © glacà ©Ã‚ iced teaune tisane herbal teale vin   winela gueule de bois hangover​
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution Coursework
The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution Coursework The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution – Coursework Example The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States that spelled out the functions of the government, as well as, its structure. However, the articles gave the government less power or no real power at all. Therefore, the basic purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to provide general government for the thirteen colonies that had won their independence from British, as well as, bring perpetual union of the thirteen states. The Articles of Confederation were meant to help the states gain their sovereignty as they were afraid of being conquered again by the British. Consequently, the Articles gave the congress to raise an army and navy to guarantee that they would never be conquered. This meant that the congress was given enough power to protect the states from attacks, but their power was equally limited as they could not impose taxes; hence, they had no way to raise funds to pay the army and navy (Ta nsil). Apart from the power of imposing tax that was denied for the congress they did not have the power to control foreign and interstate commerce. Additionally, there was no national court system, executive branch and amending of the Articles required a unanimous vote and the laws required a 9/13 majority to be passed in congress. It is vibrant that the Articles of Confederation had their shortcomings and, as a result, there was a rebellion as some states began to make their money; hence, creating economic instability (Tansil). This led to the gathering of the Philadelphia convention the weaknesses of the Articles were discussed where economy and military were the most apparent. Consequently, individuals asked for changes in the articles to help in creating a stronger national government the changes led to the creation of the constitution that gave the congress more powers. Work citedTansil, Charles C. "Avalon Project - Articles of Confederation : March 1, 1781." Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. Lillian Goldman Law Library, 2008. Web. 9 Oct. 2014. .
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Poet Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Poet Explication - Essay Example Mariana is a women character deserted by her lover originated from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure written in 1830.The Autobiographical element in Tennyson’s life enhances deeper understanding of the poem and conveys why the suffering depicted in the poem is intentionally infectious and has a haunting nature. There are references that Tennyson himself suffered from mental illness as did his other members of immediate family which equipped him to travel inside the mind of Mariana and expressed it in the most telling manner. The poem is written in definite syllabic pattern iambic pentameter. The long lines render peculiar movement pattern with a slow sad and depressing note matching the unending uncertainty. Repetition of the chorus at the end of each stanza serves as an echo of the suffering and contributes to the haunting nature of the poem. Each stanza is divided into 3 to 4 line with rhyme units ABAB CDDC EFEF .The EF lines are maintained repetitively in each stanza to give an effect of a chant for the return of her lover and her unending predicament. The mind of Mariana, every object in her household and even nature the dawn, dusk and the night, all are alike entrapped in melancholy. This mutually intensifies the agony depicted in the poem .This is the poetic device of pathetic fallacy adopted in 19th century English poetry. It is a technique of attributing the feelings of the subject to external objects or nature to create a desirable effect. In the first stanza with the blackest moss crusted on the flower pots in the opening line, the poet draws us in to the dark mood followed by a thick cluster of strong images. The rusted nails holding the pear to the wall fall from the knots. This suggestive of the futile passage of time and how memories have become lifeless disjointed and dead. The broken sheds symbolize her state of mind and serpentine hissing sound ingrained in the words â€Å"sad and strange â€Å"evoke ideas of sinister
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Manage people performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Manage people performance - Essay Example As the organization is already highly differentiated in terms of market segmentation the overarching company goals are expanding these market elements into larger markets, as well as creating more value for members. Still, within this context of understanding there are specific company goals that further articulate the organization’s strategic initiatives. In these regards, the first company goal has been indicated to be, â€Å"To deliver our core products and services to a standard and quality which meets or exceeds members’ expectations†(‘Racq’). In these regards, the company recognizes that while they achieved significant success, it’s necessary to continue to develop and create customer value in as effective and efficient way as possible. In ensuring that customer expectations are met and exceeded the organization can retain current customers and expand into new markets. A second primary company goal is to develop means of increasing the value of membership in a mutual gains approach for company and customer. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the company understands that in developing greater efficiency measures, strengthened partnerships, and greater strategy, membership can be both expanded as a means of offering greater value to the customer and still retaining an increased profit share. The final company goal is to develop new and sustainable income streams that function within the company’s brand and vision. Since it’s beginnings the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland has been highly successful in not simply gaining members, but also in expanding the membership benefits and sources of revenue. One considers that the company does not simply provide roadside assistance, but also gains revenue from car and automobile insurance. The company then desires to expand into even further markets as a means of gaining profit and developing the organization. There are a number of critical success factors for the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Integrated Solutions for Customers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Integrated Solutions for Customers - Essay Example The article primarily dealt with an in depth analysis of the five international suppliers of CoPS such as Alstrom Transport, Ericsson Mobile Systems, Thales Training and Simulation, WS Atkins, and Cable and Wireless Global Markets. The case study showed that these firms are engaged in the provision of integrated solutions which somehow became a key competitive advantage in their operations. From these companies, we draw the main features of integrated business solutions which includes value migration, integrated solution business models which are comprised of: "embedded services - using software to embed downstream services, such as maintenance or fault reporting, in the physical system; comprehensive services - to finance, operate and maintain a product during its life cycle; distribution control of profitable channel to market activities; and the provision of products and services together as integrated solutions that address a customer's needs," bundling which goes beyond lumping standardized components, and more focus on customers. The article also identified two analytical tools in order to understand and act on "solutions imperative.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Food Policy in Malaysia
Food Policy in Malaysia Introduction Malaysia is a multilingual and multicultural society. The original culture of Malaysia is come from the indigenous tribes that is been staying in the peninsular and east of Malaysia since century ago. Not long after, the Malays were moved to Malaysia from Indonesia and followed by the Chinese and Indian due to the substantial influence. Dating back to old days Malaysia used to be a colonization of British. Due to that, Peninsular Malaysia has become a foreign trading port for the British and cultural influences start to gather. The culture include Persian, Arabic and British and etc. Due to being part of the ancient spice route in Asia and becoming a foreign trading port for the British, Malaysia’s cuisine reflects on the multi-ethnic makeup of its population. Besides that, the cuisine also is greatly influenced within itself or by the surrounding countries. For example the influences are from the Malays, Chinese, Indian, Thai and etc. In addition, it is very common to find a similar versions of the dish within Singapore or across Malaysia regardless of place of origin because Singapore used to be part of Malaysia. What is Food Policy? According to Wikipedia, food policy are the area of publics concerning how the food is produced, processed, distributed and what kind of chemical ingredient are used when processing the food. Food policies system is designed to guide producer in operating of food and agriculture related product. This commonly include in decision-making of production and processing techniques of food, marketing of food, utilizing and consuming of food in the interest of meeting or furthering social objectives. Food policies can be develop in any level, such as from local to global, by government agency, business cooperation or food related organization. Makers of food policy are often engage in activities such as setting regulation related to food industries and establishing food standards for assistance programs for the poor and ensuring safety of food supplies, food labeling and even the qualification of a specific product to be considered as organic or not. Most of the food pol icy is initiated at the domestic level for the purpose of ensuring a safe and satisfactory level of food supply to the citizenry. Food Policy in Malaysia Malaysia is a multilingual and multicultural society country that mainly consists of the Malays, which is the biggest community group in Malaysia and followed by the Chinese, Indian, and the indigenous tribe. Even though Malaysia has many different cultures and races, it is consider as a Muslim Country due to the Parliament is govern by mainly the Malays followed by the Chinese and Indian. Due to this, Malaysia is very strict when comes to thing such as laws and etc. Food policy is one of it, for example the food that found within the country is mainly Halal even though there is consumers who are Non-Muslim. In Malaysia, Food policy decision and food related law is made between the Ministry of Health Department Malaysia and Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia. Both of the departments worked closely together for public health safety and to provide awareness of what kind of food the consumer are eating. The Ministry of Health Department is the one who has a higher authority when comes to food related because the areas that they involved in are wider such as nutrition assistance, food safety, dietary guidance, and labeling of consumable product. As for Agriculture side such as plantation of corn and etc are govern by the Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia. Most of the food policies are increasingly developing and changed due to the needs of citizens, political climates and circumstances changes. Halal According to Halal Malaysia, Halal are define as a lawful, permitted, pure, wholesome and recommended under Islamic Law. As in food service terms, Halal will affect the quality and hygiene policy in food manufacturing practices as well as food services in restaurant. With the growing of population around the world, the production, food safety, trade and consumption in food chained restaurant are increasingly demanding for Halal Food. Due to this, Halal food in Malaysia is coming from both Muslim and Non-Muslims country or producer because the local Halal food manufacturer did not have the ability to follow up the increasing of local community anymore. Based on Islamic Dietary Laws in the Trade Description Order 1975 of Malaysia, there are three main food categories for Muslims which are Halal, Haram, and Syubba. Halal is a word used for describing food that is lawful for Muslims to consume according to the Al-Quran. As for Haram, it is a term used to describe a subject that is unlawful and prohibited for the Muslims to do or consume. For example, Muslims are not allowed to consume pork and alcohol. The third and the last one is Syubba, it means the ingredient or the process of the food is made are questionable and therefore should be avoided for the Muslims if it is possible. In addition, The Al-Quran stresses that Muslims must eat food that is pure and clean as stated in the Islamic Dietary laws. The trust that is build-in among Muslim customers on Halal Certification is potentially increasing when it comes to deciding to visit an eating premise or a specific product. Malaysia Halal Certification Since the 1970s, JAKIM also known as the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, has been emphasizing its structures to ensure the Halal certification process in Malaysia provide Muslims Community with quality assurance of the products and services which is purchased or used by them.(JAKIM,2010). On the other hand, Malaysia Halal Certification also remarked as â€Å"a total quality health and sanitary system that involve in adopting the procedure for killing, processing and other related operations as drafted by Islamic rules†. Besides that, JAKIM also certifies raw materials, ingredients and products based on the quality of the product, hygiene perspectives and consideration of consumption safety of a specific product. (JAKIM,2008) There are few agencies that develop the standard of Halal food in Malaysia which as JAKIM is one of them and followed by Department of Standards Malaysia, Malaysia Institute of Industrial Research and standard which also known as SIRIM, and Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia. As a result, the four departments developed a comprehensive guideline in Halal food standard called MS1500 in 2004. The general guideline of Malaysian Standard MS1500 is focus on the production, preparation, handling and storing of Halal food. MS1500 also act as a manual for the food industry on preparing and handling halal food. In the other hand, it served as a basic food trade in Malaysia. (Mohd Daud,2004) The practice of Halal system should apply to all processing stages which from farm to table. Halal certification provide consumer a greater confidence and informed choice on what they have purchased (Wan Hassan Hall,2003). According to the Muslim Council of Britain, a statistic of up to 90% of meat and poultry that are sold in the United Kingdom as Halal are illegally sold to consumer and it is not slaughtered based on Shariah Law. In addition, this proved that Halal certification is clearly a potentially useful marketing and branding tools to attract customer to dine in a restaurant or to buy a product. This is an important examples for the Malaysian government to strengthen the Halal Certification in order to prevent the malpractice in the supply of meat to consumers and restaurant. The Demand of Halal Food In Malaysia Based on the research done by Muhammad in 2007, the needs for Halal foods and product within the countries itself and around the world has remarkable increasing. Majority of the Muslim Countries in the world which include Malaysia used to get their Halal product with the local suppliers or imported from other Muslim Countries. Due to the increasing of population and standard of living, it has drives the Muslim Countries to import Halal food from Non-Muslims countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Singapore. These countries with comparatively small or even don’t have Muslim Population has became a valid contributors to the world Halal Trade. (Trade Mart,2006) According to Wan Omar, Muhammad, Che Omar (2008), the world has a total of 1.8billion of estimated Muslim Population and the market for Halal product is worth over US$560 billion annually. With the increasing interested in Halal food, this shows that there is a very huge market segment for food manufacturer. On the other hand, due to the increasing of international trade, cultural globalization and tourism, the â€Å"Halal†label has progressively recognized by non-Muslim and countries such as Europe and America also in demand for it which they don’t really needed it at old times. It also initiate further pressure on emphasizing importance of goods certification and has become the core in food industry. (Al-harrn Low, 2008). Based on Riaz Chaudry(2004), Malaysia was the leader in implementing Halal Laws in the early 1980s and remains in force globally when comes to Halal Certification circumstances. On the other hand, according to Chang(2006), Muslim population of 60% in Malaysia has increased their interest for Halal foods and products over the years. Due to this, Halal standard in food related goods has been widen from meat item to item such as confectionery, bakery and dairy goods. Chang also said that Halal Certification is become known as a standard criteria for food quality, safety and hygiene. It also helped to increase the market value of the product that has Halal label on it. Restaurant In Malaysia Based on the research done by Chang,2006, Malaysia is consider as one of the most advance nations in Southeast Asia after Singapore. As a result, Malaysian lifestyle has been dramatically evolving due to increasing of income and education levels. Besides that, majority of the restaurant that is located within the country have a clear halal logo in front of the restaurant entrance. With the logo sticked at the restaurant, it proves that the restaurant not only the food is halal but also the entire process of processing food is halal. In addition to that, the halal restaurant in Malaysia is not allowed to sell pork and alcohol related product. Based on the survey that made by Shamsudin Selamat 2005, they found that Malaysians are regarded as adventurous espeiclally the young peers in their consuming manner. Malaysian whose median age of 22 years old love to explore new eating places as suggested by friends and relatives because eating out in nowadays is very common and is somewhat not expensive compare to other country in the world. Based on Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia in 2008, Malaysian students who came back after staying abroad also devote to the demand for various food styles as well as eating in a restaurant. According to research done by Chang,2006, Malaysian regularly choose to dine in an open air dining area or street stalls. In addition to that, International cuisines such as Japanese and Korean cuisine were exceptionally demanding awfully over the years. Research done by Shamsudin and Selamat(2005), 172,252 food service matters including stalls and restaurants exited in Malaysia in 2001. In overall, the food service industry in Malaysia can be divided into five main section which is dine-in restaurant (including hotel coffee houses), coffee shops, hawker centers, fast food stalls, food courts and roadside stalls. As for Kueh and Voon(2007), they give a bit different categories and said that foodservice premises in Malaysia consists of Pubs/bars , street hawkers, and dine-in restaurant. According to undertaken by Josiam, Sohail and Monteiro(2007) on curry cuisine and perceptions of Indian Restaurnt in Malaysia, they found that restaurant in Malaysia serve standard and actual food that suit the local customers and tourists taste bud. They also proposed that consumers are keen in term of accepting new foods and explore new tastes. The findings that done by them also shows that general hygiene such as cleanliness of restaurant and restroom and the quality of foods will determine the restaurant weather is value for money or not. The main interest of foods for Malaysian are spiciness of the food, appearance of the food, the taste of the food and last by not least the availability of vegetarian choices and followed by the food with Halal Certification. Conclusion Food served as one of the basic needs for humans needs in the hierarchy of Mashlow. It just that some people religions view and beliefs in regarding food consumption and has dietary constraint. As an example, the most familiar one is the Muslims with Halal, Hindus and a minority of Chinese population constraint themselves from eating beef and some of them being as a vegetarian, and lastly the Jews people with Kosher restriction. As a conclusion, Halal food in Malaysia is not just constraint to the surrounding of the way the animal is killed, it goes deeper than that. It started from the first steps of preparing to handling, distributing, storing, displaying, packaging, labeling, preparation and serving it. In another words, the whole food supply chain must follow the Islamic dietary laws in order it to be Halal. The practice of Islamic dietary laws in Malaysia has educated Muslim and non-Muslims community to eat food that is pure and good based on the Quran and Haditb. As a addition to it, Halal certification that is provided by Malaysia organization is seen as a source of potential to create trust among the Muslims that the foods with the certification are safe to be consume or used. Bibliography (Jakim), T. M. G. a. t. D. o. I. D. M., 2011. Halal Malaysia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 November 2014]. Abdul Latif, M., 2006. afmaasia Malaysia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 11 2014]. Abdul Manaf Bohari, C. W. H. N. F., 2014. The competitiveness of Halal food industry in Malaysia: A SWOT ICT Analysis. Malaysia Journal of Society and Space, 9(1), pp. 1-8. Abdul Talib, H. M. A. K. . J., 2008. Quality assurance in halal food manufacturing in Malaysia. Johor Bahru, Malaysia: ICME. Anon., 2004. Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2014]. Anon., 2013. A Food Labelling Guide. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 November 2014]. Bonne, K. . V., 2008. 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Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Trip To The Dominican Republic :: essays research papers
My trip to the Dominica n Republic I was to leave to the Dominican Republic at 10p.m. on a Thursday night. My flight was with Tower Air and it was leaving John F. Kennedy airport. I had to be there three hours before departure and I was I was there at 7p.m. It felt like they longest wait of my life. At 9:30p.m,they announced that we would not be leaving on time because the plane had technical difficulties. Our flight would now leave at 12p.m. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. It was a nightmare. They had already changed my flight like five times before. I was leaving one day, then I was leaving the next and so on. Then they wait for the last minute and the food shop had closed, so there is about a good 200 or so people without food and all upset cursing up a storm. To top it all off, half of the people there were teenagers going to the Dominican Republic to play baseball. Can you imagine? A hundred something kids hungry and sleepy screaming their lungs out. However, the nightmare wasn’t over. They got us on the plane at about 2a.m because the plane wasn’t ready. I couldn’t get on the plane because I kept buzzing when I passed the medal detectors, so that took another 20 minutes. Then we are on the plane and the plane isn’t moving, and we are waiting and waiting and no explanation. After a while the plane begins to move. It when around the run way and then they tell us we must get of the plane. It needed more service repairs. At this point I’m like give me my money back, and in return they call the cops because we were making to much noise. They fix the problem around 5:30a.m and we are off again. Keep in mind we haven’t eaten and no food was given. I didn’t even get water. I thought this was a sign of god and my time had come for me to die, but I made it there in one piece. At our arrival the planes door wouldn’t open and they said we might have to return to New York. I couldn’t believe this. I was ready to jump out a window. Finally we are let out of the plane and I had to wait like three hours for my grandfather to come pick me up.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Importance of Participation
This is a vital issue today that what is the purpose of electing the political parties to form the government. If we look the entire democratic process it completely gives the picture of non people oriented leadership establishments in political leadership, getting education, starting business doing any social services. The democracy's look is capitalist. Till we change this look and understand the democracy has given the first right to common people and that right is representative right and now we have to think how this right should be used by the common people to lead the society entering into the political institutions.The representative right is now used by the wealthy classes in our society and they able to build the political parties and in maximum cases they constituted the constitutional framework that gives the political parties to come in front of the common people through election commissions registration process. If we seriously look into the function of election commiss ion they should limit themselves to act for preparing the people's mandate giving programme and listing the voters, but they are doing some extra job given to them by the political leadership who want to remain in seat of power.The democracy is the rule of the common people first using the representative right from the constitution directly and forming the political institutions to workd for the people. After five years the election commission make the arrange ment for asking people to vote to these institutions which has been formed directly taken the representative right through the constitutional provision to establish the people's leadership in the political institutions. We have to change the capitalist huge social money costly system in people oriented simple and meaningful process.Which could bring social unity among the world community and the capitalist people also feel for the society and remaining in the society and earning they mustnot ignore the social needs afteral l society is supporting them to get the profit and taxes are not the only answer because taxes is to be collected to run the administration properly because present world social system, social centralised imagination is not thought about so every welfare programmes has been taken by the state and the result is that they unable to fulfill the people's desire.So change the democracy and all political parties should correct the constitution of their country to include the people's commission provision to provide the people their first democratic right of The Representation to form the political institutions in this way we can control the society and unite the people for better purpose. Peace, security and prosperity would come through the social system supported to political system.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Bitch stole my car Essays - Ulhasnagar, Bhiwandi, Free Essays
Bitch stole my car Essays - Ulhasnagar, Bhiwandi, Free Essays Bitch stole my car A Remarkable Feat Students of KMES Eng. Med High School have brought glories to the institution by making a remarkable achievement in Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) tournament. This tournament began in the month of October 2008. it was conducted at Zonal level. Many teams from Thane, Ulhasnagar and Mumbai have participated. Our school has sent two teams, one under Junior and the other under Senior Category. The senior team got qualified for quarter final but could not get through for the final match. The Junior team had proved their mettle by winning the tournament. Earlier, various teams from Bhiwandi actively participated this tournament but none of them have got success. Our school team participated for the first time and the first attempt itself was successful. It?s a great honour for us. We owe this success to Mr. Sattar Tase and Late Mr. Younis Momin. They gave their valuable time to the students in order to make them expert by providing regular practice to the students. The final match was held on 27th December 2008. at the ?Central Maidan?, Thane. The match was against V.V. H.S. team from Thane. On their homeground our students displayed their talent and emerged victorious. Mr. Ratnakar Shetty, I.C.C.I Secretary, appreciated our team for their excellent performance by honouring them with the Rotating Trophy and a Cricket kit worth Rs. 40,000/- All the players performed excellent in the entire series whereas some of them made a thundering performance and contributed to the victory of the team. These players were felicitated at school the next day. Scores of these players at the tournament are as follows:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Essay Example
Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Essay Example Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Paper Analysis of Andre’s Mother by Terrence McNally Essay Paper The drama. Andre’s Mother. by Terrence McNally is a narrative about accepting decease and is based in a narrative about a immature adult male who died before stating his female parent that he was gay ; go forthing the man’s spouse to interrupt the intelligence and to inform the female parent about how much he missed seeing her and his fright of being rejected by her. in the clip before his decease. The subject of this narrative is to populate life mundane with no declinations. Throughout the symbols and mentions you begin to understand the life of Andre. The white balloon represents allowing travel and go forthing a immature adult male in peace. The silence of his female parent shows that she neer accepted his sexual penchant. While Hamlet references the battles of his mundane life. The white balloon in the drama Andre’s Mother is a symbol of Andre’s psyche. Cal speaks about the white balloons stating. â€Å"They represent the psyche. When you let travel. it means you’re allowing his psyche ascend to Heaven. that you’re willing to allow travel. Interrupting the last earthly ties†( McNally 737 ) . Andre is stating that the white balloons are Andre’s psyche and that when you release them. you’re willing to allow travel of all the incorrect and allow him rest in peace. Penny. Cal’s sister. and Arthur. Cal’s pa let travel of the balloon without vacillation. After let go ofing their balloons Cal reluctantly admits. â€Å"I’m non ready yet†( McNally 737 ) . This is because Cal still couldn’t Lashkar-e-Taiba travel and still had declinations. The balloon being white represents pureness. Leting spell of the white balloon meant that after all that was said. Andre was now clear and pure once more. I believe that white balloon represented allowing spell of Andre and allowing his psyche remainder in peace with no declinations and nil left unexpressed. Andre’s mother’s silence throughout the drama proved to us she did non accept her son’s homosexualism. Cal tells Andre’s female parent how much Andre missed her and longed for her credence. He gets finished with his harangue and still no response from Andre’s female parent. Cal gets huffy and answers. â€Å"It’s Irish bull. It’s all Irish bull. [ Still No response ] †Her silence shows that she is non accepting of Andre’s sexual penchant. At the terminal of the drama Andre’s ma with her ain struggles releases the balloon. The drama write quotation marks. â€Å"He goes. Andre’s female parent stands entirely keeping her white balloon. Her lips tremble. She looks on the brink of interrupting down. She looks at it awhile before she gently kisses it and lets go of the balloon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I believe at that point that Andre’s female parent forgave her boy and was willing to pass over the slate clean by let go ofing the white balloon and allowing Andre’s psyche remainder in peace. Andre’s mother’s silence throughout the drama shows that she neer accepted her son’s gender. Even though she wasn’t accepting she allow her son remainder in peace and allow his psyche ascend to heaven. Andre’s love of theatre and the drama Hamlet gave us an penetration to his life. At the beginning of the drama Cal expresses Andre’s love of theater. Cal expresses. â€Å"God. how much he wanted to play Hamlet once more. He would hold gone to Timbuktu to hold another spell at that portion. The summer he did in Boston. he was so happy! †( McNally 736 ) . This mention to Hamlet. I believe showcases the battles Andre went through. Andre struggled with decision-making and avoiding things. as did Hamlet. Hamlet struggled whether to revenge his male parent and struggled with the determination that he had been avoiding. This is besides evident when Cal brings up Andre’s great public presentation stating. â€Å"You should hold come up the summer he plated Hamlet. He was magnificent†( McNally 738 ) . I believe the Hamlet mention was to showcase Andre and his internal battles. McNally uses strong a strong sense of symbolism throughout the narrative. First by keeping a white balloon. the characters were holing a representation of Andre’s life and the memories that they each had of him. By let go ofing the balloon. they were allowing spell of the unhappiness of his decease and for some. the secret he’d been maintaining from his household. This besides represented the crossing over of Andre. In the narrative. Andre was afraid of being rejected by his female parent. whose silence throughout the drama proves that she was incapable of offering credence to his homosexualism. With Andre’s love of the theatre and specifically Hamlet. he is associating himself to one of the most accepted internal battles of the theatre universe.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Portfolio - Essay Example It is done in five stages namely; Existing skills and knowledge are identified considered to be vital in the current business work; Future skills and knowledge are identified considered to be important in future career; Rating of your ability as strong weak, and somewhere in between; Reviewing of your ability ratings by choosing someone who is not afraid; Finally, utilizing the information to develop the skill and the knowledge areas. Behavioural skills include communication skills, self management and development, mathematical skills, time management, management of tasks, ITC skills, and applying initiative. The technical skills and knowledge is specific and inclines to the area of professionalism in this case business fraternity1 The benefits of skills audit include; There is improved skills and knowledge; Valuable and valid skills of the work place plans; Low development and training costs due to developmental efforts being much focused; Increase in productivity as employees are b etter marched to their positions. There are many techniques used to conduct skills audit based on the strategy and context of the organization. This is alignment is very vital in ensuring consistency with the strategy of the business and the value of the audit skills results. Key stages in skills audit is determining the skills required of each employee. Auditing the actual skills and it involves an individual skills audit and self-audit. On result analysis the audit information is utilized in planning purposes related to training and development2. The current strategies for skills audit implementation of individual self audit include the panel approach, one-on-one approach and finally consultant approach. The pitfalls to avoid when conducting skills audit include; the hallo effect, perfectionism and/ or non-perfectionism, the external factors, and self-perception. The principles of skills audits form the basis upon which skills audits are conducted. They should be strictly followed to ensure a valid and fair process. They comprise of; honesty, validity and reliability, transparency, and constructive feedback Skills Audit table PORTFOLIO ITEM 2: A current personalised CV plus discussion The employability skills that I needed were all geared towards building of my personalized CV as an accomplished business asset. The employability skills are grouped into six broad categories which include communication, customer service, cognitive/ analysis, numeracy skills, manual skills, and finally leadership and management. When you want to improve on the quality of your CV, you must actually start by sharpening the marketable skills and knowledge you posses before embarking on those that are new to you. The employability skills include; Regard to team work, must be able to show cooperation to others on a shared task; Oral communication skills, by showing the ability to give accurate and clear information by appropriately listening to others and making clarifications on yo ur stand; Written communication, having the ability to write well presented essays, letters, and reports for a mixture of audiences; Presentation skills, concisely and appropriately presenting ideas and information; Persuading and influencing, by being able to convince others that the my ideas are worth of consideration; Negotiation, ability to facilitate the reach of an agreement with a group or an
Friday, November 1, 2019
Political changes in Europe due to the Rennaissance Essay
Political changes in Europe due to the Rennaissance - Essay Example The individual fame and development of trade and commerce became the main force that changed the political thinking and consequently the political history of Europe. Renaissance period is also known for consolidation of political power through the increased trade and commerce activities and consolidation. ‘Renaissance had brought an end for the most part to feudalism, the medieval form of political organization’ (Renaissance). The various Italian cities went for self rule and Monarchies also consolidated their position and political power through matrimonial alliances. Eminent diplomat and writer Leonardo Bruni believed in the representative form of government that was inclined towards the welfare of the society and encouraged patriotism. The period saw dramatic changes in the political, social and cultural environment of Europe that was based on scientific and cultural interpretation rather than religious orthodoxy. Discovery of new land by Vasco de Gama and Columbus greatly helped in the expansion of European power across the globe. England, France, Portugal, Italy and Germany all tried to establish their rule in far flung places like Africa, Asia and New America. The tradition of owning man as slaves was also started during the time and slaves from Africa were transported to America to be used as free thus establishing slavery. The renaissance is also known as an age of enlightenment because of the rebirth of cultural and literary supremacy of the Europe. The revolutionary political philosophy of Machiavelli is the highlight of the period who believed that the end justified the act. The decline of Roman Catholic Church can be contributed mainly to the philosophy of Bruni and Machialvelli, both of whom believed that religion and politics are two separate issues. Renaissance also saw the emergence of women in the corridor of power of the European
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Divorce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Divorce - Research Paper Example Such considerations are children support as well as custody, bread winners, old adults in the family, family resources among other issues, family debt. The thesis statement is: occurrences as well as effects of divorce can be minimized. The work describes several activities meant to ease divorce victims, more so children and old adults who may depend on other family members for financial and emotional supports among other needs. The work describes the role of specialists like psychologists among other professionals. The work finally describes activities that could help reduce divorce cases and mitigate its effects. There is a high rate of divorce cases in the current generation; statistically about 40% of US populations are divorced. These high rates are triggered by current economic and social set up in the community. We live in an era where most spouses spent more time in their job places than they spend with their married partners. Research indicates that there are several reasons or causes of divorce. This may vary depending on the social, cultural, religious and economic status of a certain country. However, the common reasons why legally married couples opt to legally end their marriage relationship include; Getting married for indefinite reasons. One may be attracted to his or her spouse just because of a certain commodity or personality like money, authority or even some favors. Once he or she has attained the need, the marriage is brought to an end. Lack personal identity has seen many couples separate their ways. One spouse may pretend in a certain marriage for quite a long time, but the moment his or real identity is revealed such marriages is ended. Other marriage arguments are triggered the moment one or both spouse forget their roles in the family. Some agencies contradict the issue of increased divorce rates, according to their findings; divorce is on decrease trend due to increase in registered bachelors and spinsters. Divorce comes with several negative effects more so to children and old adults in the society. Statistics indicates that about a million American children undergo financial and emotional frustrations due to divorce. Children whose parents are divorced are likely to be abused which interferes with their normal behaviors, health and emotions. Researches indicate that such children are likely to commit suicides or abuse their children in the future due to the frustrations they are subjected to. Majority of the children may abuse drugs at tender age for an attempt to kill the pains and frustrations they are subjected to (Greef, 2004). Their academic performances are likely to deteriorate due to reduced or lack of concentrations in their academics. Several children department reports indicate that majority of college or university drop outs are from divorced families. Financial degradation is an effect that not only affects the children but even the adults. In families where one spouse is the family bread winner, the other spouse may be financially impaired once such divorce is legalized. Children may be forced to drop out of school due to lack of financial support. Such children get frustrated and several studies reveal that they are likely to be involved in criminal acts like robbery and rape among other activities. Old adults on the other hand suffer a great deal from divorce cases. They undergo financial, emotional as well social setbacks from divorce. Despite the
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Caste system Essay Example for Free
The Caste system Essay In order to answer this question it is necessary to address the issues raised from the caste system and the importance it has for society and the Hindus. The main issue that has emerged from the caste system is the treatment of the untouchables or Dalits. The Dalits exist outside the caste system, there are literally outcastes, and because of this status thrust upon them they are at the bottom of the social hierarchy. This status has dire consequences for the dalits. In village life they are expected to dwell outside the confines of the village, as they are considered to be polluting for the higher castes. Because they are considered to be polluting they are expected to have certain occupations that caste Hindus would consider polluting, such occupations include pig tending and assisting to cremate the dead, occupations that are not particularly appealing. They are the subject of crime and discrimination, for example K Danalaxmi, a Dalit, in Tamil Nadu and 57 other dalits have had been raided by higher caste Hindus and their huts the subject to arson attacks: she tells a BBC correspondent: the parents of children that go to the same school as my daughter did this they hate us and may come back again. 5 Politically speaking the dalits are legally equal to any other higher caste Hindu, indeed in the village Tamil Nadu high caste Hindus go to school with dalit children, so efforts have been made to reconcile the social rift between castes. However, such action has resulted in the assaults and violent actions committed against the dalits similar to that of the dalits in the village of Tamil Nadu. Indeed throughout history there have been many attempts to affiliate the higher castes with the untouchables. In the middle ages the Bhatki movement, meaning to love, encouraged the worship of God through adoration and devotion. More importantly in terms of caste, it attracted Hindus of all castes and presented a greater representation in Hindu society for those of the lower castes. In the 12th century, founder of the new philosophic movement, Shankaracharya preached that the two ways to salvation, dhyan and karma, was being monopolised by the Brahmin caste. Devotion was considered by the Bhatki movement as an equal path towards salvation. Another historical example of criticism of the caste system came much later in the 18th and 19th centuries, during the days of the British Empire. Missionaries were sent out to civilise the native pagans to the light of Christianity. Missionaries were successful at converting the dalits and the lower castes; for these subsections of society Christianity presented an attractive alternate life style. More recently another critic of the Caste system had an enormous impact on Indian society, indeed on the world. Mahatma Ghandi, who was a Vaisya, campaigned against the unjust social and economic aspects of the caste system, and did much work to improve the status of the untouchables, which he called the children of God or Harijans (a term much resented by the untouchables who preferred the term Dalits. ) The caste system is a highly controversial aspect of Hinduism, originating from Vedic times and lasting to the present day. It affects every aspect of Indian society, from marriages to government. It is has been heavily criticised since its creation, and constantly reformed. Indeed in the Bhagavad-Gita Lord Krishna invented the concept of Dharma, which offered reassurance to low caste Hindus for a chance for salvation. Albeit the caste systems origins may have been secular, it has become so embodied with the religion of Hinduism that to criticise the caste system is to criticise Hinduism. Thus it remains the foundation of modern Indian society. Has the caste system outlived its relevance to modern life? From a western perspective it has, westerners see it as inequitable and morally wrong. But in order to understand the true flaws of the caste system it is necessary to view the caste system from a Hindu perspective, only then can a scholar see if the caste system should still exist and the importance it has to Hindu life. Bibliography Introduction to Hinduism-Kim Knott www. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/south_asia/459591. stm http://artworld. uea. ac. uk/teaching_modules/india/historical_background/the_hindu_caste_system/welcome. html http://www. themystica. com/mystica/articles/b/bhakti. html 1 Introduction to Hinduism-K. K. Klostermaier. 2 At the core of most religions is the idea of attempting to join a supreme being. 3 The term cycle is perhaps misleading as it is more linear than a cycle. (perhaps) 4 Arvind Shama in Hinduism by Kim Knott. 5 www. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/459591. stm Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Agard: Half-Caste section.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Labelling Theory Essay -- Psychology, Deviant Behavior
The main aim of this essay is to describe two general theories of offending and then consider the extent to which they explain youth offending. This essay will firstly outline the context of the labelling theory then go on to discuss the way in which a label becomes a person’s master status in life. The essay will then compare the differences with primary and secondary deviance and define the term self fulfilling prophecy. The second stage of the essay will describe the learning theory, explaining the background including all the terms, classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theory. Furthermore, it will then go on to explore the research and describe the extent to which both theories explain youth offending. Finally, the essay will compare and contrast the two theories and evaluate any of the assets or implications. The labelling theory became dominant within society during the 1940’s and 1950’s, when a group of graduate students from the Chicago school tried a different approach to applying theory to deviant behaviour. Within this group was a highly influential young man, Howard S.Becker who became the person most recognised for his work with the labelling of crime (Williams.F. McShaneM. 2010.p110). Becker argued that labels could be applied through the social reaction of others when a deviant or criminal act had been committed he stated that â€Å"Labelling is the process of identifying, categorising and stereotyping social categories such as delinquents†( When an individual becomes labelled a criminal, people do not consider all the praiseworthy things they may have done previously, they just see that they have committed some form of deviance and are now judged within societ... ...more stimulus for the individual to learn from (Williams.F. McShane.M.2010.p241). Furthermore, deviance within the labelling theory is defined through society’s norms and value’s, where as the deviance within the learning theory is imitation of deviance from society. To conclude this essay, it would be safe to say that the labelling theory and the learning theory both have great powers over young people’s lives, possibly because of their vulnerability and the way they perceive different behaviour within society. With criminal and deviant acts being formed and constructed by society, then behaviour displayed by a young person will inevitably be labelled if they do not live up to the norms and value’s that are in place. However, as the essay explains young people will gather characteristics of deviance from society’s influential structures.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
1. What is the staffing policy that Lenovo is pursuing? A: Staffing policy is concerned with the selection of employees for particular jobs. At one level, this involves selecting individual who have the skill required to do particular jobs. At another level, staffing policy can be a tool for developing and promoting the desired corporate culture of the firm. The goal was to transform Lenovo into a truly global corporation with a global workforce.Lenovo made an effort to create a firm that was neither Chinese, nor American, but instead global in its orientation, a firm that is positioned to compete head-to-head with other players in the global PC market. 2. What strategy do you think the company is pursuing? Does its staffing policy match its strategy? A: The Company is pursuing a transnational strategy. The staffing policy matches its strategy. For example, when Lenovo is deciding who should hold management positions, the national origin of the candidate is not an issue.Rather, the d ecision focuses on whether the person has the skills and capabilities required for working in a global enterprise. Lenovo is committed to hiring the very best people, wherever they might come from. Lenovo seeks the best people for key jobs throughout the organization regardless of nationality; this enables the firm to make the best use of its human resources. 3. What are the strengths of Lenovo’s staffing policy? Can you see any potential weaknesses or problems that the company might encounter as a result of this policy?A: Lenovo uses the same set of principles to guide workforce management in all locations, this maintains a unified corporate culture. If Lenovo’s employees are predisposed toward the organization's corporate norms and value system, the firm will be able to attain higher performance. Lenovo’s staffing policy is complicated by the profound differences between countries in labor markets, culture, legal systems, economic systems, and the like. The co mpany must also deal with a host of issues related to expatriate managers (citizens of one country working abroad).A prominent issue in Lenovo’s staffing policy is expatriate failure (the premature return of an expatriate manager to his or her home country). Furthermore, the immigration policies of national governments may limit the ability of the company to pursue this policy. Moreover, since Lenovo’s staffing is global, it will need a compensation structure with a standard international base pay level, higher than national levels. 4. What should the HRM function do to enable Lenovo to become a truly global enterprise?A: Human Resources will have to be very astute about how its principles are applied in every local market so that it remains responsive to the needs of people in different environments. Lenovo is following a geocentric approach to human resources, one in which the best people are sought for key jobs throughout the organization, regardless of nationality. For example, the company appointed an American to the position of CEO because it felt that none of the firm’s existing Chinese executives had the capabilities to manage a truly global enterprise.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Search of Identity in Society
Identity can be generally defined as the personal characteristics and traits which differentiate each individual from the other, however in â€Å"The myth of the Latin woman: I just met a girl named Maria†by Cofer, Judith Ortiz and â€Å"The joy of reading and writing: superman and me†by Alexei Sherman, both authors demonstrate the theme identity in a different manner. Judith Cofer portrays how the society often stereotype individuals into groups without a doubt, in this particular essay, the offensive stereotype of Latino women without any particular reason but merely due to their identity.Alexei Sherman in â€Å"The joy of reading and writing: superman and me†also describes how society can have an impact on one’s identity; however Alexei was determined to build himself and challenge the society despite of its expectations. Similarities in this particular comparison overcome the differences; the similarities which are clearly seen between these two sho rt stories are how the society belittles people and stereotype them simply due to their identity. Another common theme between both stories is multiculturalism and how it’s faced.The difference however is how each author dealt with this stereotyping and how they defined their own identity despite of how people interrupted it for them. Expectations can alter the way a person feels about living their life the way they desire. Society determines and expects a role that every individual must perform according to who they are such as: age, gender, race, ethnic etc. In the essay the â€Å"The joy of reading and writing: superman and me†, the author talks about his life as an Indian boy and how writing and reading shaped his life to what it is today.Sherman talks about how as an Indian boy living in a reservation in the United States, Indians were expected to fail and be uneducated; but because he was â€Å"smart, arrogant and lucky†he broke the mold and became a crea tive writer. In Cofer’s case there were no mold’s to be broken but merely society’s perception about Latinas. She collects all the misconceptions of Latin women, comparing them with her personal experiences Our perception of anything can change and the way we view our selves can sometimes be altered by the events that happen in our life, our self-image and self-esteem can be also altered by these events too.Cofer, in her autobiographical short story describes how she feels like an object of sexual desire and a person of lower class because of her Puerto Rican ethnicity. She starts the essay by reliving an incident which happened to her with a drunken man who re-enacted â€Å"Maria†from West Side Story even though she was aggravated, she tried to keep her cool when everyone around her was laughing and applauding. The author shows how the society degrades her because she is simply Latina regardless of the fact that is she an educated women seeking knowledg e from Oxford university.Later she states, â€Å"I do not wear my diplomas around my neck†- By this Cofer implies that there are many other women exactly like her, Latin women who do have the advantage of an education, however other individuals within societies racial misconceptions lead them to believe that every Latin woman is either a â€Å"housemaid†or a â€Å"counter girl†- which is obviously not the case. Cofer continues to subjectively analyses and defends the negative stereotypes that Latin women encounter.Since something can be natural in a determined culture and offensive in another, it is easy to find a variety of behaves that are misunderstood. This misunderstood is what promotes the existence of prejudice. She collects all the misconceptions of Latin women, comparing them with her personal experiences. Eventually the author tries to deliver a message, a â€Å"universal truth†, is to try to replace the old pervasive stereotypes, individuals s hould not be judged entirely due to their place of origin, â€Å"skin color, accent or cloths†but should be seen for who they truly are.Cofer emphasizes that â€Å"we cannot change this (the myth of Latina as whore, domestic or criminal) by legislating the way people look at us the transformation, as I see it, has to occur at a much more individual level†. Again this is something which is also seen in Sherman’s essay and it’s evident from his writing. Sherman says he saw the world in paragraphs, this is a metaphoric term he created. Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
E Marketing essays
E Marketing essays In today's globally dynamic and diverse environments, a growing number of firms are competing physically as well as electronically. A firm, like a hospital, where I work, is creating an e-marketing strategy under an overall marketing program. It is now a commonly known that e-commerce presents several opportunities as well as challenges for the hospitals (Conti and Warner,. 1994). E-commerce is allowing companies to bring products into new markets, shift existing distribution channels more efficiently and effectively (Cummings and Huse, 1989). Hospitals and other health-care facilities are using a niche market offering through e-commerce The use of e-commerce in hospitals allow segmentations through outsourcing many of the routines tasks internationallyfor example reading of X-rays in many hospitals is done from radiologist employed in other countries. The use software and database solution allows hospital decision makers to identify where variations in treatment or costs, and monitor resource utilization with severity-adjusted analysis. E-commerce tools provide advantages of the latest data mining methodologies that capture a detailed profile of the patients and allow a hospital to customize its treatments to the demands of the patients (Majchrzak and Wang, 1996). Presently, information technology (IT) often substitutes and sometimes replaces the physical interactions between the patients and doctors. Besides, a number of services, which are high on information-contents, can be developed in digital format and downloaded by the patients in their Hospital decision-makers can capitalize on these findings to improve quality of care, reduce costs related to complications and length of stay, and effectively compare efficiencies of care delivery by benchmarking against the best performing hospitals in the nation or to local peers. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
People v. Sisuphan Essay Essay Example
People v. Sisuphan Essay Essay Example People v. Sisuphan Essay Essay People v. Sisuphan Essay Essay Appellant Lou Surivan Sisuphan took $ 22. 600 in hard currency and $ 7. 275. 51 from ( Toyota Marin [ the franchise ] suspect ) his employer’s safe on July 3. 2007. He did this in hopes that a coworker would be held responsible for the disappearing of the money and would be terminated. Sisuphan was convicted of peculation on April 15. 2008. In June 2008 he entreaties from the judgement of strong belief. postulating that the test tribunal made a error when it failed to teach the jury that at the clip he took the money. he intended to return it before condemnable charges were filed. He besides states that the test tribunal excluded grounds on that he restored the money to the company. claiming this grounds proved he neer intended to maintain it and hence lacked the needed purpose for the offense. Issue â€Å"The inquiry. before us. therefore. is whether grounds that Sisuphan returned the money moderately tends to turn out he lacked the needed purpose at the clip of the pickings. †Was his the Fifth Amendment right to show defence and â€Å"all pertinent grounds of significance value to that defense†violated? Rule of Law The Fifth Amendment right to show defence and â€Å"all pertinent grounds of important value to that defense†was non violated because the â€Å"return of the belongings is non a defence to embezzlement. Deceitful purpose is an indispensable component of peculation. Although Restoration of the belongings is non a defence. grounds of refund may be relevant to the extent it shows that a defendant’s purpose at the clip of the pickings was non deceitful. †Analysis Since Martin Sisuphan was authorized to pull off the funding contracts and obtain payments from loaners on behalf of the suspect the case was effectual. It does non count that there was no purpose of stealing the money because Section 508 ( of the California Penal Code ) states: â€Å"Every clerk. agent. or retainer of any individual who fraudulently appropriates to his ain usage. or secretes with a deceitful purpose to allow to his ain usage. any belongings of another which has come into his control or attention by virtuousness of his employment is guilty of peculation. †KeepingThe issue is that Susuiphan intended to utilize the money for a intent other than to which the franchise entrusted it to him. therefore the grounds that he returned the money before condemnable charges were filed is irrelevant. The judgement is affirmed. Plaintiff was sentenced to 120 yearss in detention and 3 old ages of probation.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Renaissance Painter Elisabetta Sirani
Renaissance Painter Elisabetta Sirani Known for: Renaissance woman painter of religious and mythological themes; opened a studio for women artists Dates: January 8, 1638 - August 25, 1665 Occupation: Italian artist, painter, etcher, educator Places: Bologna, Italy Religion: Roman Catholic Family and Background Born and lived in Bologna (Italy)Father: Giovanni (Gian) Andrea SiraniSiblings: Barbara Sirani and Anna Maria Sirani, also artistically inclined More About Elisabetta Sirani One of three artists daughters of a Bolognese artist and teacher, Giovanni Sirani, Elisabetta Sirani had many artworks in her native Bologne to study, both classical and contemporary. She also traveled to Florence and Rome to study the paintings there. While some other girls in her Renaissance culture were taught painting, few had the opportunities for learning that she did. Encouraged by a mentor, Count Carlo Cesare Malvasia, she assisted her father in his teaching and studied with other instructors there. A few of her works began to sell, and it became clear that her talent was greater than her fathers. She painted not only quite well, but also quite quickly. Even so, Elisabetta might have remained no more than her fathers assistant, but he developed gout when she was 17, and her earnings were essential to the family. He may also have discouraged her marrying. Though she painted some portraits, many of her works dealt with religious and historical scenes. She often featured women. Shes known for paintings of the muse Melpomene, Delilah holding scissors, The Madonna of the Rose and several other Madonnas, Cleopatra, Mary Magdalene, Galatea, Judith, Portia, Cain, the biblical Michael, Saint Jerome, and others. Many featured women. Her painting of Jesus and St. John the Baptist was of them as a nursing infant and toddler respectively, with their mothers Mary and Elisabeth in conversation. Her The Baptism of Christ was painted for the Church of the Certosini in Bologna. Elisabetta Sirani opened a studio for women artists, a completely new idea for its time. At 27, Elisabetta Sirani came down with an unexplained illness. She lost weight and became depressed, though continued to work. She was ill from the spring through the summer and died in August. Bologna gave her a large and elegant public funeral. Elisabetta Siranis father blamed her maid for poisoning her; her body was exhumed and the cause of death determined to be a perforated stomach. Its likely that she had had gastric ulcers. Sirianis Virgin and Child on Stamps In 1994, a stamp featuring Siranis Virgin and Child painting was part of the United States Postal Services Christmas stamps. It was the first piece of historical art by a woman so featured.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Introduction about Salmonella Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Introduction about Salmonella - Assignment Example In the early periods of the 19th century, typhoid was basically defined on the basis of its symptoms and clinical signs. Literally, every enteric fever was categorized as typhoid. During 1880s, Eberth became the first person to observe the typhoid bacillus in parts of the spleen as well as in the mesenteric lymph nodes from a person who had succumbed to typhoid (Todar, 2009). Robert Koch later confirmed Eberth’s discovery and cultivated the bacterium in 1881. In 1896, it was established that typhoid bacillus agglutinated the bacterial cells causing typhoid using the serum of animal blood. The same result replicated in patients suffering from typhoid and thus, serodiagnosis of typhoid became a possibility in 1896 (Todar, 2009). Proper development of complete genome ensures effective classification of disease-causing organisms (pathogens) and their hosts. The classification of the genus salmonella has undergone considerable changes over many years as the methods of identificatio n methods keep improving with time (Liu, 2011). In 1946, Kaufmann White developed a scheme that enabled distinguishing of Salmonella serovars based on their O, H as well as Vi antigens (Todar, 2009). According to Warrell et al. (2005), the genome of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. ... The impacts of Salmonella enterica serovarTyphi range from health to economic devastations. When an individual consumes contaminated water, the symptoms of typhoid fever are likely to manifest after a short while. Typhoid fever is usually connected with systemic fever, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, which is usually followed with diarrhea. If left untreated for a very long period of time, the disease could cause death in humans. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is most prevalent in developing nation where poor sanitation leads to contamination of water for drinking. As such Salmonella enterica serovarTyphi is one of the contributors to high health spending in different parts of the world. According to Crump, Luby and Mintz (2004), typhoid fever is a burden worldwide and causes about 16 million illnesses and more than 600, 000 fatalities every year. Introduction Closest Relatives of Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi and Their Features There is no clear understanding of the gen etic basis of the distinctions in host tropism that exist between serovars and wide host range. The genetic changes that come with evolutionary changes in the serovars include the build-up of mobile components and pseudogenes together with the arrangement of chromosomes and deletion that causes the reduction in the genome (Porwollik, 2011). One close relative of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. According to Todar (2009), Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is â€Å"a Gram-negative facultative rod-shaped bacterium in the same proteobacterial family as Escherichia coli, the family Enterobacteriaceae, trivially known as "enteric" bacteria†(Todar,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Strategy Embraced By Ted Backer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Strategy Embraced By Ted Backer - Essay Example This paper outlines some of the unconventional approaches used by the brand to improve its sales. Other than the unconventional approaches as part of the brand’s strategic direction, an analysis of the firm’s strategy using models such as Ansoff and BCG is important in terms of determining the ideal marketing strategy for the brand. In essence, the evaluation of the firm’s strategy is important because it allows for the identification of the existing gaps that may pose a risk for the brand’s business in the market. As such, recommendation on improvements plays a role in ensuring the brand maintains its market share. For instance, it is recommendable for the brand to use other approaches other than the unconventional approaches to improve its business. A good example involves taking advantage of latest technological advancement to improve production. The managing director of the company, Ray Kelvin began in 1988 with a store situated in Glasgow. He further expanded his business to other places such as Manchester and Nottingham. In 1990, the company opened a new store in Convent Garden and the director acquired the entire company from by buying the shares of part owners known as Goldberg and Sons. This saw the introduction of Ted Baker Woman in 1995 and as a clothing retail company, Ted Baker is listed on the London Stock Exchange. In addition, the company also has stores in other parts of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East while its flagship store in the United States was opened in New York’s Fifth Avenue. The Ted Baker’s brand has developed steadily since starting its operations within the United Kingdom. At present, Ted Baker has expanded globally by relying on its three key distribution channels that include retail, wholesale and licensing. The company uses their own outlets and other licensed retail outlets, and partners in recognized department stores across Europe, Asia, Australia and the United States.
The effect of perception of social roles on depression Research Paper
The effect of perception of social roles on depression - Research Paper Example Depending upon the level of the intensity of role involvement, there will be some correlation to the level of depression or other life-altering mental illness for the aged after a decrease in role functionality. Newman and Newman (2009) state specifically that there are four dimensions of which social roles are analyzed, and we will propose that the higher the intensity of the identification of the role will produce a higher probability of depression or other types of mental illnesses. We will broaden our scope to include of the number of roles as part of our study. Elderly. For the purposes of this study, the term elderly will be used to define an individual who has reached a point of life where significant changes in social roles has placed them in the last stages of their life. This is defined this more closely as being age 60 and above. Nuclear family system. A group of people joined through legal and familial means consisting of a single adult, a partnered couple, or a partnered couple and their children (Taqui, Itrat, Qidwai, & Qadri, 2007). Reciprocal role. A role that is defined by a matching role within the social order. Examples include student and teacher, parent and child, and the salesperson and the customer (Newman & Newman, 2009, p. 71). Social role. A loosely defined set of behaviors within which a social function has been defined with an accepted code of what is considered normal within that role. (Newman & Newman, 2009, p. 70). In searching for answers to the questions that relate to the relationship between social roles and depression, a thorough research of relevant literature will provide a framework within which to answer the research questions. This study has been conducted through the use of research that has been done and reported by those who have developed conclusions through their own studies. The studies are analyzed for relatable content and the information is connected in order to define answers
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Modernity and Spaces of Femininity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modernity and Spaces of Femininity - Essay Example The paper "Modernity and Spaces of Femininity" focuses on the article of Griselda Pollock. The article clearly represents Pollock’s feminist views. She is a credible author being a leading cultural theorist. She has done vast research on feminist issues such as those that women encounter while living and working in societies as objects of male satisfaction rather than as important subjects that gives credit to their own abilities as women. Pollock has recommended ways to change future representations of women. She has likewise provided significant insights on voyeuristic art and ties between art and human nature. She has become an activist using a â€Å"Marxist-socialist approach to reveal the key sexual and political biases involved in the formation of the modernist movement". Currently, she is the Director for the Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History at the University of Leeds with a Masters Degree in History of European Art and a PhD degree in the study of appr oaches to modernism. She is considered an academic jewel, having taught History of Art and Film in the Universities of Manchester and Leeds and an author of several books on her expertise on Art, History, Feminism and Modernism. In the article, Pollock refers mostly to paintings of renowned artists in the nineteenth century and how their work affected its viewers. She analyzed T.J. Clark’s accounts of Edoard Manet’s controversial painting, â€Å"Olympia†which shows a nude woman reclined on a bed with her hand covering her crotch., with a black lady, presumably her maid, standing beside the bed and a black cat seated at the foot of her bed. This painting was widely criticized when it was exposed to the public, and its analysis runs from shallow comments about its physical appearance to deeper critiques about societal representations during its time. Clark claims that Manet’s Olympia has been the founding monument of modern art3, embodying a shift in what spectators are accustomed to viewing and was subjected to a wide variety of interpretations. Pollock contends that Clark leans on the class system in analyzing modernist paintings. For him, Olympia’s nakedness in Manet’s ‘modernist’ painting depicted her as a lowly prostitute as opposed to heavily dressed, sophisticated and fashionable women in other paintings ascribed as coming from upper classes of society. Pollock also agrees with Clark that such artwork of women catered to a masculine audience since it provokes sexual titillation which is not expected of decent women viewers. This is what she meant by ‘masculinist myth of modernism’. Male artists reigned over modernism because they are able to express their sexuality through their art, which was not a luxury granted to women artists. Pollock confirms that there was a historical asymmetry in art in the nineteenth century due to social structuration of sexual differences which determined wha t men and women painted4. Clark indexes impressionist paintings to class formations and class identities that emerged in society, giving ‘modernity’ a wider meaning than just being up-to-date. â€Å"Modernity is a matter of representations and major myths- of a new Paris for recreation, leisure and pleasure; of nature to be enjoyed at weekends in suburbia; of the prostitute taking over and of fluidity of class in the popular spaces of entertainment†5 References were pointed to Charles Baudelaire’s essay about the modern artist being a flaneur or â€Å"
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